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Author Topic: PzLdr History Facts  (Read 133323 times)
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« Reply #435 on: April 08, 2018, 11:03:57 PM »

See "PzLdr History Facts" Archive, p.1: Monographs "3 for 9", and "The Battle of Mohi"

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« Reply #436 on: April 08, 2018, 11:07:18 PM »

See "PzLdr History Facts" Archive, p.1, " 3 for 9" monograph

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« Reply #437 on: April 08, 2018, 11:09:34 PM »

See "PzLdr History Facts" Archive, p.1, monograph "3 for 9".

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« Reply #438 on: April 11, 2018, 08:46:30 AM »

See "Exiles on Main Street, "PzLdr History Facts" Archive, p.11

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« Reply #439 on: April 11, 2018, 10:45:26 PM »

See 'Let's Be Civil' thread, "PzLdr History Facts" Archive, p.11

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« Reply #440 on: April 13, 2018, 01:02:46 PM »

In 1939, when "Uncle Joe" was Adolf Hitler's ally [a fact conveniently overlooked by far too many people these days], the Soviet Union joined Nazi Germany in carving up Poland [you know, the country Britain and France went to war over], with soviet troops and secret police invading the eastern half of the benighted country. The U.S.S.R got over half the country [with a later reduction when the Germans 'gave' the Soviets the Baltic States], and began rounding up the intelligentsia, the government officials, the priests, and the Polish POWs that fell into their hands [With some 5 to 7 Einsatzgruppen, the Germans shot most of theirs].

The POWs were sent to camps in Ukraine, White Russia, and Russia itself, some 22,000 or more in toto. It appears some effort was made by the Soviets to sway the polish prisoners toward adapting a Marxist, pro Soviet attitude. It largely failed. So in Spring, 1941, Lavrenti Beria presented the Politburo a memorandum recommending that the Poles be liquidated as "enemies of the state" The memo was signed off on by Stalin, Molotov, Voroshilov,  Kaganovich and others.

As a result, trains began moving Polish prisoners from their camps to unknown locations [unknown to the prisoners, many of who believed they were being returned to Poland. They were not]. The locations the POWs were moved to included an NKVD complex in White Russia in the Katyn Forest. there the prisoners were, over a period of days, taken to the main building and shot in the back of the head, one at a time, or lined up at mass graves in the forest and shot there [at another location, the NKVD's chief executioner, Blodkin shot 250 Poles per night, one ata time, killing some 2,500 of them himself].

When the NKVD was done at Katyn, 4,400+ Polish military officers, officials and others had been murdered, buried, and covered up. and there they remained until April, 1943, when members of a German Signals unit stationed in the  immediate vicinity saw a wolf, or a dog, with a human arm bone in its mouth. After questioning the locals, the Germans excavated the site, finding the over 4,000 corpses. Sensing a propaganda coup, the Germans invited in forensics experts and coroners from all over Europe, including Poland. The evidence clearly demonstrated that the poles had been killed in Spring, 1940. The benefit to the Germans exceeded all expectations.

For the Polish government in exile in london, now allied with Stalin, had been asking for months, including to Stalin's face, about over 20,000 missing prisoners of war, witrh Staqlin suggesting they may have walked to Manchuria after being released. when the Poles pressed the issue, the soviets broke relations with them, and the British, who went to war over Poland, but now needed the Red Army to defeat the Wehrmacht, sided with the Reds, even though they knew better [FDR, being the fatuous idiot he was, believed Stalin].

When the Soviets re-occupied the area of Katyn when they reconquered the area, they again disinterred the Poles, and held their own inquest. Not surprisingly, they determined the Poles had died in September, 1941, after the Germans had occupied the area [ Averell Harriman's daughter, when she visited the site wondered why the Poles had been wearing winter coats in the heat of September when they died].
The Soviets then attempted, at Nuremburg, to add Katyn as a charge against the defeated Germans. It went nowhere.

And so it rested until 1990. the Poles, restive, had never given up in their efforts to learn the truth about Katyn. And Gorbachev, with his policy of 'glastnost' was determined to open up [to a degree] Soviet Society. and so it was, on this date in 1990, Gorbachev produced the signed Beria memo, and admitted to the world that Stalin's NKVD, on the orders of the Soviet Politburo, had not only murdered the 4,400+ POWs found at Katyn, but a total of well over 20,000 at a total of four execution sites.

And there it rested again [Yeltsin later opened up the NKVD files on the case]. Not one participant in the Katyn Forest massacre, the other massacres, or the transportation  operation supporting them was ever charged, let alone brought before an international, or even Russian tribunal for their crimes. And several were alive into the 1990s, drawing a pension for their work. Nor was there a public outcry, except for Poland, to bring these killers to justice.

Katyn is one more stain on a U.S.S.R drenched in blood. It is also a stain on the international community that first betrayed the Poles in the second world war, and then later failed to take up the case of mass murder perpetrated by the Soviets on the Poles at Katyn, and elsewhere.

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« Reply #441 on: April 14, 2018, 09:15:45 AM »

See "PzLdr History Facts" Archive, p.12

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« Reply #442 on: April 17, 2018, 08:37:25 AM »

The planning had begun during President Dwight D. Eisenhower's administration. It involved landing a brigade of armed Cuban exiles/ refugees near Santiago, Cuba, where they would seize the city, set up a government, which the U.S would recognize, ally with, and join in overthrowing the Communist regime of Fidel Castro.  The rebels would be trained, funded, and equipped by the C.I.A. the U.S Navy would provide convoy escort and landing craft to get them to the beach, and the Navy and U.S. Air force would provide them with air cover [Their 'air force' consisted of a couple of WW II vintage B-26 bombers].

And then came Camelot. Enter the Kennedy brothers, Jack and Robert, both former Naval officers. Jack's military fame rested on the "PT 109" incident, when he disobeyed his commander's orders to his squadron, and achieved the memorable feat of having his PT boat cut in half by a ship that could go half as fast [and that after he rammed the dock and destroyed it when joining his first command]. Bobby had even less military know how.

But Kennedy accepted the proposed operation without demur. But then he and Bobby started changing it. First, they moved the landing site from near Santiago to another area [to show less U.S. involvement]. They chose the Bay of Pigs. The Joint Chiefs protested. First, there was no nearby population center to set up a government in exile. Second, there was only one way to, or off the beach at the Bay of Pigs. If Castro moved quickly enough, he could bottle the brigade of Cubans easily, and totally. Second, it would prevent the rebels from reaching the populace to foment a revolt, and prevent any Cubans so inclined from joining them. Kennedy overruled them [and being a Kennedy, at one point tried to blame them for the failure that followed].

So, on this date in 1961, the Cuban rebels landed on the beaches of the Bay of Pigs. and Castro responed quickly. the 1,200 or so rebels were soon confronted by major components of the Cuban Army, including armor, artillery [including soviet made 122 mm cannon], militia units, and the Cuban Air Force, which appeared, unopposed, over the beaches [ At the last minute, JFK refused to supply the air support he had promised the Cuban rebels, on the advice of that brilliant military strategist, Bobby]. The Cuban air force then went on to blow up the rebels ammunition ship, and most of the other craft they had used.

Three days later, it was all over. The Cuban Rebel brigade [what was left of it] surrendered. The U.S. got a well deserved black eye [for the wrong reason]. The Kennedys blamed everybody but themselves for the fiasco THEY created. More importantly, JFK was seen for a weak, indecisive President, especially by Khruschev. Which led, eventually, to the Cuban missile crisis, where once again, the Kennedys wrote the script of their own bravery, when in fact, Kennedy gave away our missile sites in Turkey, in return for the missiles, Russia was already withdrawing from Cuba.

It was a sad episode in American history, from an administration that was all form, no substance. And it set a Kennedy pattern. Never be near a body of water with one. they'd leave you to die, and then lie about it.Don't believe me? Ask Mary Jo.

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« Reply #443 on: April 18, 2018, 10:00:51 AM »

It started when the San Andreas fault line 'slipped'. The earthquake was felt from Oregon to southern California. It is estimated that it registered 8 or above on the Richter Scale. and when it was over, San Francisco was in flames, over 3,000 people were dead, and over 25,000 buildings were destroyed.

The Mayor was forced to call in the Army. Whole city blocks were dynamited to make fire breaks [San Francisco's choice of building materials, brick and wood ill-served the city during the 'quake]. The Army not only undertook anti-looting patrols [with 'shoot to kill' orders], but assisted firemen in fighting the blazes rampant all over the city. the Navy evacuated trapped civilians.

The fires were not contained, and order was not restored until five days later.

San Francisco went on to recover and give us Nancy Pelosi, Sanctuary City status, and a locus for both zany, and hard left wing politics.

"Saint Andreas, hear our prayer..."

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« Reply #444 on: April 19, 2018, 08:41:37 AM »

See "PzLdr History Facts" Archive, p. 12

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« Reply #445 on: April 19, 2018, 10:59:35 PM »

See "PzLdr History Facts" Archive, p.1.

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« Reply #446 on: April 20, 2018, 10:55:28 PM »

SEE: '3 for 21 April', "PzLdr History Facts" Archive, p.12

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« Reply #447 on: April 20, 2018, 10:57:28 PM »

See "PzLdr History Facts" Archive, p.12

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« Reply #448 on: April 22, 2018, 11:41:48 PM »

See "PzLdr History Facts" Archive, p.12

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« Reply #449 on: April 23, 2018, 03:39:38 PM »

submarines  in 1914??? What kind?
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