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Stink Eye Discussion Forums => Politics => Topic started by: jafo2010 on June 09, 2013, 03:48:34 AM

Post by: jafo2010 on June 09, 2013, 03:48:34 AM
Rep. Jim Bridenestine's comments before Congress summarizes the Obama Administration in a nutshell.  So, tell me, when do the impeachment hearings begin?  When?  Yesterday would not be soon enough.  America has suffered enough at the hands of this dishonest, corrupt Marxist.

Watch it live at the link below.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on June 18, 2013, 09:41:58 AM
Still no mention of impeachment.  What does it take?

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: apples on June 18, 2013, 11:16:23 AM
Still no mention of impeachment.  What does it take?
He is teflon. Nobody in government has the balls to try to impeach him.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on July 05, 2013, 08:42:12 PM
I will not give up on the notion of impeachment.  It is critical that Congress step up to the task, even if it is only the House of Representatives.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on July 19, 2013, 11:43:08 AM
Still no sound of impeachment.  What does it take?

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: apples on July 19, 2013, 12:26:09 PM
Still no sound of impeachment.  What does it take?
I don't know.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on July 19, 2013, 06:58:44 PM
From my perspective, Congress is playing at having a voice.  The fact is that Congress is splintered and rendered virtually ineffective.  Even Obama has questioned how he can proceed without them.  Perhaps he should definitely meet with his good friend Vlad and get his counsel on how he turned the Duma (equivalent of our Congress) into at best a rubber stamp.

Rep. Issa with his investigation of Benghazi will not produce anything actionable.  Obama will serve his four years and move on.  Unfortunately, Rep Issa will be sufficiently ineffective such that it is almost a certainty that Hillary will run for president.  And if she does, the brain dead sheeple will most likely vote for her.

It is time the Republican Party bring some new faces to the forefront.  Sadly, Rubio is not it!  Not for me anyway.

I do not want amnesty for illegal aliens that have broken our laws and invaded our country.  It is argued one cannot deport all 12 million, or 30 million of them, but I say one need not deport them at all.  It is high time we fine the employers in the USA that hire illegals.  I know illegals that own multiple properties in the USA.  Stop them from being hired, prohibit them from owning land/houses, having access to healthcare, and they will leave just as they came, on foot if necessary.

And the very last thing we need to be doing is creating a magnet environment as the idiot Gov Perry is doing in Texas by offering the children of illegals a free education.  Reagan gave amnesty to 3 million.  Now it is 12 -30 million.  Thirty years from now, it will be 50-100 million.  When does this Keystone Cops tomfoolery end?  When?

I want Obama impeached, and I want major changes to Congress and the Supreme Court.  Surely we have an ample supply of lying thieving attorneys that we can implement a term limit for everyone, including judges.  Yes, I want term limits on all government held positions above a certain level.  If you want to reduce the bureaucracy of government, force new blood in the system.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on July 23, 2013, 11:13:34 PM
The most notorious racist in America today, the Novelty President, continues to stoke the fire and elevate the tension among the black population over racism.

Tell me Barry, what have you done to create jobs for blacks in America in the private sector?  What?  If I were a black man today, I would direct all my anger at your incompetent self.  You are the single most clueless man in government ever to exist. 

It is time for the Republicans to show they have a spine and begin in earnest discussions of impeachment, if for no other reason than incompetence!

I intend to keep this thread on the front page of this blog, because there must be a voice for the proper action.  Congress is away without leave as far as I am concerned!

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on August 17, 2013, 07:02:15 PM
The era of Gridlock and Executive Orders is very much in our midsts.  What would it take to get Congress to begin impeachment discussions?  What?

One misadventure after another with this president. 

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: GeronL on August 17, 2013, 09:25:15 PM
I'd like some peach flavored mint

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on September 06, 2013, 03:04:56 AM
Should Congress support the Novelty President in his criminal act of attacking a sovereign state, then there is no hope for impeachment.  If however, they stand together and begin representing the mindset that exists with the electorate, then at worst case, perhaps we will have gridlock for the next 3.5 years.  I could live with that.

However, for the Republicans, they need to purge anyone that stands with Obama in this criminal act to attack Syria.  It is time Republicans embrace their basic principles, and attempt to have one budget before this knucklehead is out of office.  There is no excuse to run a deficit budget...NONE!

If it took me more than one week to arrive at a balanced budget, and two weeks  to have a surplus budget that begins to address the national debt, shame on me.  Why is it the people with the knowledge and position are paralyzed to do so?  It is time to un-elect everyone standing in the way of this, including Republicans if necessary.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: GeronL on September 06, 2013, 03:18:32 AM
The GOPe leadership is on board with Obama

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on September 06, 2013, 06:30:20 PM
If they are on board with Obama, they will lose the House next year.  People will see no reason to vote for Republicans, because they merely stand in the shadow of the Democrats.

It is time to purge EVERY REPUBLICAN that stands with Obama...each and every one of them, and vote for new faces that subscribe to conservative values, starting with a balanced budget.

If every last Syrian died killing each other, and I do not care how they do it, it is no lose to humanity, and at no time is it the business of the people of the USA.  Action there will merely create more enemies of the USA, something we do not need.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on September 30, 2013, 10:18:53 PM
For those brave souls in the House of Representatives standing up against the president, I applaud you each and every one.

When do we begin impeachment hearings for real? 

I will not let this notion slide by without asking the question on a routine basis.

The T-baller President is an obamanation.  Can this country withstand 3.5 more years of this knucklehead?  Hmmmm!

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: apples on October 01, 2013, 01:14:45 PM
No this country cannot withstand anymore years with this T baller.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on October 01, 2013, 10:49:32 PM
Go read on    about what may be the truth of the Navy Yard attack.

Just imagine if this is true.  If it is, then our military brass were looking to charge Obama with treason.  Not a stretch.  Same should have been done to Bush too.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on October 04, 2013, 07:18:25 PM
Every day, there is one after another action taken by the T-baller President that would justify Congress moving forward with impeachment.  The most recent, which is the standing down of Border Agents to protect our border, that is completely on his shoulders, and is inexcusable.

Collectively, the actions taken by this president is more than enough actions or in-actions to justify immediate impeachment.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: JohnBrowdie on October 04, 2013, 10:56:49 PM
what are the charges?

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on October 05, 2013, 02:28:58 AM
Let's start with fiscal negligence to the tune of $17 trillion and counting!  What will be the damages of this fool by the end of his 2nd term?  Any estimates out there?

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on October 06, 2013, 12:35:48 AM
True enough.  But the next week will be very interesting as the pressure in the old cooker goes into the red, and both sides are waiting for the other to blink.

So, who is mostly responsible for the event of the past weeks and the week to come?  Why, any intelligent person would say it is the responsibility of the president to show the way, to bring about a result via his leadership.  But there rests the problem.  The current T-baller President has ZERO leadership skills, ZERO interpersonal skills, and is flat out unable to function with conflict.

Thus, be prepared for a default.  It is possible, and if it happens, I suggest the American people organize and throw out the entire current government and demand new elections barring anyone that is a current office holder.  Sounds radical, but if there is anything I have learned, the attitude of those that have served office is that only they have the know how to make things happen.  But as our president and Congress have readily proven, they are totally incompetent.

Justification for the entire removal of all of them is $17 trillion in a deficit that goes UNANSWERED!  Do we need more reason, really?

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on October 08, 2013, 03:57:25 PM
I am sitting here listening to the president speak, and I have honestly NEVER heard anyone more disconnected from the process of governance.

This buffoon just indicated the Republicans are being bankrolled by millionaires and billionaires, and he is indicating he represents the American people.  Hmmm, I guess the $12 billion payoff to George Soros by the Obama Administration, that doesn't count.  Total liar/hypocrite.

"I'm not going to weaken the presidency, I'm not going to do damage to the American people".  Lie after lie.  He has caused great harm to the office of the President, and his mission appears to me the destruction of the middle class.  More taxes, more taxes, less freedom, etc etc.  Chaos and more chaos. 

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on October 20, 2013, 11:28:41 PM
Watching a program the other night with a panel of folks that have attempted to buy Obamacare, they had one panelist that was in the business of assisting folks buy healthcare, and he said in no uncertain terms, 'sure I have had a couple customers acquire healthcare at better rates, but for the most part, that represents only 1 out of 10.  The other 9 out of 10 are paying higher rates, and usually with fewer benefits.'

So, a couple years of screwing 9 out of 10 Americans, and Obama will wish he resigned after his first term and moved to Kenya, where someone might still appreciate who he is.  Or perhaps Indonesia......


Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on October 26, 2013, 12:52:50 PM
When is Congress convening an investigation into the squandering of the hundreds of millions of dollars for a system that does not work?  This is gross negligence, and I believe it reaches all the way to the top.

Here is another impeachable offense for the T-baller President.  One need not have an imagination to understand the justification one could have to rightfully impeach this incompetent fool!

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: Stan In FL on October 26, 2013, 06:10:33 PM
impeach him?  we just reelected him.  sorry, guys, democracy works.  we get what we want, or what we ask for, or what we're stupid enough to do to ourselves.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on October 28, 2013, 12:34:57 AM
I don't think what we have today is what our forefathers envisioned.  It could be argued that we do not have democracy but another form of aristocracy.  It is only the rich by and large that get elected to higher offices.  And only about 2% of challengers get elected and defeat an incumbent.  I do not deem that a democracy.  The deck is stacked so solidly for the incumbent, that we are not any better than a banana republic.  And of course, without term limits, these thieves corrupt everything they touch.  And with most of them lying thieving attorneys, everything they do is to benefit their own.  EVERYTHING.

So, Stan, save your idiotic pontificating for the masses!

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: Stan In FL on October 28, 2013, 11:39:16 PM
I'm gonna need a high crime or misdemeanor. 

And my pontificating is not idiotic. ;D

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on November 04, 2013, 11:45:41 PM
Yes!  It is!

Why, I would say the word FRAUD will begin to get tossed about in the next couple months if not weeks and days.  The T-baller Administration knew their healthcare program would result in the MASSIVE EXODUS of corporations away from current healthcare programs.

Fact is:  every group and individual(self paid) will NOT get to keep their existing healthcare, will NOT get to keep their present physician.

Fact is:  the LIE uttered TODAY by the T-baller President 'keep your health plan if it does not change' is a total LIE.  There is NO HEALTH PLAN in the past several decades that does not make some change or another EVERY YEAR!  Often it is changes that are not notable, and one does not notice, but changes happen every year of every insurance policy if for no other reason than regulations that are issued by the government that tend to impact healthcare across the board.

If Clinton can be impeached for lying about having sex with a willing adult female, I think Obama can be impeached for lying to the entire country about healthcare, about fraudulently moving forward with this program knowing full well that the outcome of the program would result in something completely different.

As someone that was a broker, manager and sales rep in insurance, if I would have remotely made such a claim and lied only a fraction of what Obama did, I would lose my job, lose my license and be banned from selling insurance.  This bozo lied to the entire country.  And let me remind you, NOT ONE CEO HAS BEEN ON TV/CABLE TALKING ABOUT THE IMPACT OF OBAMACARE prior to its passage.  Did you ever stop to ask why?  Because this law is one of the biggest windfalls for corporations in the past century, perhaps ever!  And this is going to further drive the small businessman into extinction.  And let me remind you that 70% of job creation comes from small business.  Talk about job killer!

Again, the good news is that this president will go down in history as being the WORST IN OUR HISTORY.  He planned to destroy this country, and he did accomplished that in many ways. 


So, either we begin with impeachment hearings, or perhaps a presidential recall.  Run that election again.

So, is FRAUD a high enough HIGH CRIME for you?  it is time politicians are held responsible.  What could be worse than bilking virtually every American(exception being those who are indigent) to the total damages of 10/100s of billions per year?

Believe me, there will be Democrats that will want him to resign before the election in November, 2014.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: Stan In FL on November 05, 2013, 10:11:13 AM
it is in no way illegal for an elected politician to lie to the voters.  we're supposed to be smart enough to spot it when we see it. 

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on November 05, 2013, 10:41:04 AM
To get elected, perhaps.  But the T-baller President lied on such a grand scale, and people will die because of those lies, that I think quite a few felonies can be leveled his way.  The fact is that millions of people in America that had healthcare will now go without healthcare, and they will die because of it.

With Nixon and Watergate, no one died.  Yet Nixon was pushed out of office.  With Clinton, his lies about having sex with an intern did not result in anyone dying.  And he was impeached.  Americans will die because of Obama's lies.  Thousands will die each year.  Perhaps 10s of thousands will die.   I am not fabricating this fact as he did willfully to deceive and mislead the American people.

Believe me, when the dead from the neck up American public stop and listen long enough to being told what it will cost for healthcare, when the fascist IRS begins imposing fines on the duped American public, when enough of the freeloaders begin doing without from levels once experienced under welfare, there will also be deaths in the streets.

The media is now forecasting 129 million Americans will lose the very healthcare and doctors they were promised they could keep.  Certainly you must know how important it is for many people to keep a doctor they have gone to for years if not decades.  This is a huge blunder on the part of the Pinocchio President.  The Wall of China is not long enough to support this liar's nose.

The outrage that will build in the next six months will force Congress to take action.  Just like Watergate, Congress will be forced to do something, and they will take action.  Rep Issa with his stumbling over Benghazi will have something of substance to attack the T-baller President.  And this Pinocchio President will want to continue to fabricate more outrageous lies thinking once again he can dupe the American people.  His contempt of America is blatant, but slowly he will continue to lose the equally dishonest media, because of the outrage that will build.

Fact is, the American public still knows very little about Obamacare because they have not had access to the non functioning system.  But as more people become aware of how totally raped they were with his lies, you might begin to hear Americans demanding a lynching party, literally.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on November 07, 2013, 12:49:27 AM
Just weeks into Obamacare, and we have 4.2 million Americans losing their healthcare.  If we are lucky, we have 5,000 people that have been able to sign up for Obamacare.  That calculates to a net loss of Americans covered for healthcare.

Good going Mr T-baller President.  But hey America, keep on believing in this stoner brain adled fool!

And the laugh is that the projection right now is 129 million Americans losing their healthcare.  Hey, the party isn't even off the ground yet.  Talk about killing the economy, this fool could not come up with a better plan to destroy America if he tried.


Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on November 19, 2013, 10:12:34 PM
The Census Scandal is just one more nail in the IMPEACHMENT COFFIN of the T-baller President.

Of course, he will deny any involvement, but how much of this kind of behavior need be manifest before Congress begins taking up and doing their job.  This administration is far more corrupt than any other prior.

Is there anything that Obama has done that is truthful or worthwhile?

He is a disgrace to the office, and is severely hurting all of America. 

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: Stan In FL on November 21, 2013, 12:03:31 AM
The biggest problem isn't that we have a sh*tty, (more than likely) corrupt president.  The biggest problem is that the electorate can no longer tell the difference . . . Or, worse yet, doesn't care.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on November 23, 2013, 12:17:36 AM
An electorate that is totally disconnected and clueless, yes, true enough.

There is a gruesome movie called The Road.  When I saw that movie, I thought, no way could this happen.  With the T-baller as president, I can begin to see this as a possibility.

Perhaps the notion that existed at the start of this country is sensible, that one must be a property owner to be elligible to vote.  Why should people that do not work, do not pay taxes have a vote in the say of how things should be.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on January 07, 2014, 10:34:35 PM
With the launch of 2014, there will be a recurring theme this year, and that is thousands and thousands being forced from their corporate healthcare and pushed into the exchanges.  And with that, their copays will go from approximately $300-350 to $500-1,000.  And along with that, 10 million Americans will be forced to work less than 29 hours per week, and have no corporate provided healthcare.   They will be on their own, and unable to afford healthcare.

They will go without healthcare, and they will become ill and thousands will die.  The furor over this will begin to build around the end of this year and reach notable presence in our society just in time for the 2016 elections.

Mr. Obama may very well end up resigning in disgrace before the end of his term.  Much like Nixon.  No one thought in 1972 that he would resign three years later. 

One can hope!

By the way, Gates' tea and crumpets condemnation of the Novelty President is just one more proof that he should be impeached.  He is an utter idiot!

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on January 09, 2014, 12:06:05 PM
If Congress had any value in our society, and sadly it doesn't, their focus would be on removing this knucklehead from office.  Congress scores as low as they do because despite being the bodies elected by the people and reflective of the people in their districts and states, they are totally self serving and no longer represent the people of the USA.

If they represented the people of the USA, illegal immigration would not be an issue today.

If they represented the people of America, they would not be passing legislation that cuts veteran pensions and then scramble to undo the gross err of their ways. 

If they represented the people of the USA, there would not be an idiot like Pelosi declaring they have to pass legislation to find out what is in it.

If they represented the people of the USA, they would not opt out of a healthcare program they are shoving down the throats of all of America with its higher premiums and general degradation of life that it will most certainly bring, including death.

If ever there was a time for TERM LIMITS, now is the time.  It is a small step to eliminating the corruption that exists in Washington.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on January 29, 2014, 09:16:09 PM
So, no surprise that the Democratic leadership is not happy with the speech of Obama last night.

Believe me, as the pain and suffering of Obamacare unravels, more and more people will awaken to just what they lost with supporting this carpetbagger from Chicago.

I remain certain that before January 2017 rolls around and Obama's last days in office, he will be under enormous pressure to resign by the Democratic Party.  His existence will mirror that of Nixon in terms of total disgrace.  Just watch and see.

And the good news is that there is no way Hillary Clinton distances herself from Obama.  So, her ship will not get underway in 2016, because America will be just as tired of the Clinton/Obama combo as they were of Bush/Cheney.

I say Congress should stand up and impeach this fool before he has any further opportunity to destroy our country further.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: apples on January 30, 2014, 03:19:10 PM
I hope you are correct!

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on February 02, 2014, 08:17:47 AM
I did not hear the state of the union from the Novelty President in its entirety or the Republican response, but what I did hear was totally non impressive on both parts.  Talk about the Rip van Winkle era of the Republican Party continuing, the GOP response was a complete snooze.    Ah...yawn!

By this time next year, many of those that have died at the hands of Obamacare will be clearly evident in America.  There will be millions losing their healthcare and NOT able to afford to buy coverage under the Obamacare Program and Policy.  People are going to die, and this travesty will manifest itself like an avalanche, that starts small and by the time it gets to the bottom of the hill, it kills everything in its path.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on February 12, 2014, 11:30:31 PM
By the end of 2014, the Novelty President, Putin want-a-be(aka dictator), will completely rewrite the Affordable Care legislation, and Congress stands silent.  Pathetic.

Why would I expect this numb Congress to stand up to this fool, when they remain quietly complicit.

And Mr Cry Baby sings Yippy do da, yippy ................  Where is the leadership?  Where?

Our country is being run into the ground by self serving morons, and I don't remotely understand this.  Perhaps when we are all in tent cities, someone might get the bright idea something is wrong.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on April 06, 2014, 01:21:16 PM
Well, what will it take for Congress to awaken from their slumber?

Putin once again makes our Novelty President appear like a chump, and America continues its deterioration economically.

There are a dozen sound reasons to impeach this fool, and yet Congress is quiet as a church mouse.


Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: apples on April 07, 2014, 10:45:11 AM
Well, what will it take for Congress to awaken from their slumber?

Putin once again makes our Novelty President appear like a chump, and America continues its deterioration economically.

There are a dozen sound reasons to impeach this fool, and yet Congress is quiet as a church mouse.


None of them have a spine to do so.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on April 08, 2014, 05:19:06 AM
Americans are watching the destruction of our country by corrupt and incompetent men, and they do nothing.  Obama is both.  Had he managed to get his Cap and Trade legislation passed, he and people like Al Gore would have bilked America out of hundreds of billions of dollars.  They would have made Bernie Madoff look like small change, and they would have done it all legally.

If the Republicans are to have any credibility, they need to start down the path of impeachment, otherwise, the only answer I see long term is revolution.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on April 27, 2014, 11:05:37 AM
So, it's not bad enough that the Novelty President is destroying America internally, but this gay blade has opened Pandoras Box for Putin to seize whatever he wants and for China to do the same.  As I have indicated elsewhere, we are on the wrong side of the debate concerning the islands in Japan. 

China from my perspective has every right to rain hellfire down upon Japan until the last man standing is dead.  The murderous Japanese killed 40 million Chinese, and the Chinese have rightfully not forgotten.  They now see a weak president in office, and they merely go after a bunch of hardly used islands.  And the USA is going to defend the murderous Japs against the Chinese?  I hope not!

With the WEAK president in office, this is the time to strike.  While we are still pre-occupied with protecting the murderous muslims, now we will let Americans die for the murderous Japs.  Makes perfect sense.

Too bad no one gives a crap about the American people in Congress, for they would NEVER support these idiotic policies.

Let the Chinese have these stupid islands.  That is the least the USA can do to help an ALLIES of WWII.  Japan was the enemy to remind a few of the mindless.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on April 27, 2014, 11:07:07 AM
The only way this calamity ends is to impeach this fool.  And guess what, the Republicans better come alive on this, as well as the Democrats, or maybe, just maybe, we will have our own Egyptian Spring!

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on August 14, 2014, 09:26:29 AM
Yes, it has been nearly four months since I have raised this issue, but hello Congress, where are you?  The Novelty President is about to make legal millions of people that violated our laws and entered the USA illegally, and you are doing what exactly?

Maybe November will not be the overwhelming victory for the GOP because they are totally ineffective at present.  The GOP has no definitive leadership, and no ideas of how to approach the worst problems we have.  We are completely reinventing the wheel with Obamauncare and spending $100s of billions just to change the systems that operate Medicaid.  Talk about derelict in their responsibility, US Congress is worse than the Duma in Russia.  Yes the Duma is a rubber stamp to the dictator Putin, but the US Congress isn't even a rubber stamp.  It is as if they do not exist at all.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: apples on August 14, 2014, 02:00:31 PM

Maybe November will not be the overwhelming victory for the GOP because they are totally ineffective at present.  The GOP has no definitive leadership, and no ideas of how to approach the worst problems we have.  We are completely reinventing the wheel with Obamauncare and spending $100s of billions just to change the systems that operate Medicaid.  Talk about derelict in their responsibility, US Congress is worse than the Duma in Russia.  Yes the Duma is a rubber stamp to the dictator Putin, but the US Congress isn't even a rubber stamp.  It is as if they do not exist at all.

Sadly I agree

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on August 20, 2014, 06:57:59 PM
Once again, the Democrat ninnies are meddling in something that will only leave egg on their face.  While attempting to placate an angry black population that fully support one of their many criminal sons, they will gleefully destroy an honorable policeman who while executing his job, and defending his life from a criminal who was a dangerous force to deal with, was faced with the difficult split second decision to use his weapon for defense. 

Something that happens repeatedly every day in Chicago, Philadelphia, New York, etc, any major city with a high concentration of blacks, the death of a black youth, and these carpetbagger leaders of the black community do virtually nothing.  But given the opportunity to rail against the white man, and they are in front of the cameras bemoaning how poor Michael Brown this or that, when in fact, he was a statistic waiting to happen.

The film clip of him in the convenience store screams the fact that he was a dangerous man, one asking for trouble.

The officer in question should be given a medal for doing the right thing, and bringing this animal to justice.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on August 20, 2014, 07:08:55 PM
I forgot to add, this is one more reason for the impeachment of Barrack Hussein Obama.  His meddling has incited the riotous behavior in Ferguson, MO.  His continued involvement is putting many people's safety at risk.  He is giving the degenerate part of black society encouragement that this behavior is acceptable.

He could have been a leader for the black man in America, when in fact he is their nemesis.  All these people are standing in the streets of Ferguson because none of them have jobs.  Obama is the beacon of hopelessness for the black man, and nothing more.  He is also proof positive that America can make mistakes, and have to suffer for four years versus unseating them as they do in England.

America has nearly 2.5 years to suffer economically because of this lack luster idiot we have as president. 

People question his birth in the USA, I question his academic credentials.  Never has one person come forward to say, I went to school with Barry at Harvard.  Where are these people?  Not one.  If ever there was a manufactured candidate, Obama is it.  A totally empty suit with no solutions.  And the black man thinks they will advance how under his leadership?  Another mystery!

IMPEACH THIS FOOL NOW!  Even that idiot he has as a Vice President could do a better job, and that is not saying much.

By end of year, 2016, we will have 60 million people in the USA without healthcare, and 10-20 million unemployed and further under-employed thanks to the Affordable Care Act, the single worst piece of legislation in this country's history.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on August 29, 2014, 08:50:51 PM
The repeated threats of Obama taking the law into his own hands and by Executive Order provide amnesty to perhaps millions of illegal aliens that have violated the borders of USA is the exact nail in the coffin for IMPEACHMENT!  The final nail, that should cause a bilateral effort to remove this stain of a politician.  His arrogance knows no bounds, and he is out of control.

His weak leadership is destroying America.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on September 04, 2014, 01:24:27 AM
We don't have a strategy for ISIS.   Really?  What does it take for this empty suit president to have a handle on security matters that could pose a serious threat to the safety of the USA?

Congress is out to lunch on dealing with this do nothing president.  Weak! Weak! Weak!  All of them are too busy lining their pockets with gold.

Time for TERM LIMITS, and begin reigning in the corruption.  Time to end the lifetime politicians, end the golden spoon they feed from.  Eliminate their pension program, eliminate exclusion to Obamacare, eliminate the elite life they have tailored for themselves.


Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on September 04, 2014, 02:43:53 AM
Nothing like a mini war to occur weeks before the general elections to save the political careers of lackluster Democrats.

I fully expect Obama to pull a Carter, and make a move on ISIS sometime late in October to bolster the Democrat tally in November.  Carter only did something with the Iran Crisis when a primary was about to take place.

Doesn't change the fact he should be impeached for a myriad of reasons.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: apples on September 04, 2014, 11:06:18 AM

It wouldn't surprise me either, a mini war.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on September 04, 2014, 11:14:18 PM
Sad thing is that most Americans will not realize they are being manipulated.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on September 05, 2014, 11:59:32 PM
Best move for the empty suit Novelty President was coined by Heraldo Rivera.  Now that ISIS declares Syria and Iraq a sovereign state, he should ask Congress to declare war on them.  Even the Republicans would not be able to oppose the idea.  For the only time in his presidency, he would have the Republicans  supporting something he proposed.

The UGLY TRUTH however, is that the rules of engagement (dictated by the pansy Administration) would be such that our forces would not be allowed to fire on the enemy until they personally witnessed a beheading or something equally stupid!

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on September 07, 2014, 01:38:46 PM
The president of the USA, Barrack Hussein Obama, should be told in no uncertain terms if he elects to make decisions on illegal immigrants on his own, that is an impeachable act.

Bypassing Congress and usurping their authority on such a grave matter is an impeachable offense.  It is time for Congress on a bi-lateral basis to stand up against Obama, otherwise, they are no different than the Duma with Russia's dictator Vladimir Putin.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on September 09, 2014, 10:37:27 PM
The revelation made this week by the men that were in Benghazi that THEY WERE ORDERED TO STAND DOWN, MULTIPLE TIMES, screams the need for truth.

I still say Obama will be lucky to survive this 2nd term in office, for as the evidence comes out, the truth is known, it will mirror the unfolding of Watergate for Nixon.  I say there is a good chance Obama will resign in disgrace if Congress can get off their lazy self serving b*tts and do their job!

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on September 14, 2014, 03:30:23 PM
The speech this week by Barack Hussein Obama is a watershed moment.  His lead from behind strategy will not be conducive to putting a coalition together to take on an organized army of 30,000 - 50,000 ISIS members who are determined to bring Ahsad down in Syria and take over Iraq.

The message delivered brutally by ISIS is stay out of the middle east.

The failed policies of the Bush-Obama Administrations has destabilized the entire middle east, and it appears everything we do as a nation makes it worse.  Perhaps we should just back away and leave them to find their way.

Finally, the truth emerging by the men from Benghazi will have catastrophic consequences for the president, and possibly Hillary Clinton.  Time will tell.  One thing is certain, Americans will die.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on September 14, 2014, 04:27:57 PM
Doug Shoen, who worked for the Clinton Administration was a guest Friday night on The Kelly File (Fox), and he stated ...."we'll see more and more Democrats speaking out against what I call feckless policies".

Kelly:  "You seem like a moderate Democrat
Shoen:  I am
Kelly:  Where would you place our current president on the scale?
Shoen:  I think he is a left wing Democrat with a philosophy of non involvement, non interference.  I think it's not even so much as leading from behind as it is not leading at all.  I think that is tragically wrong."  

Bottomline is that the USA is in rapid decline in a fast moving world with real enemies.  It is time for Congress to address the problem of the feckless Novelty President.  China and Russia are routinely besting this mediocre president.  Time for real Americans to stand up and take action before it is too late.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on September 18, 2014, 10:52:55 PM
Days go by, and still not a word by anyone questioning the insanity.

Below written days ago:
I have as yet to hear one talking head on the news programs pose the following question:

How is it the president of the USA sends 3,000 of our troops to Africa to provide protection for healthcare workers, and 450 to fight a war against an army purported to be at 30,000 and growing?

Is there a clause that permits the Congress to remove him from office for being insane?

How could the president of this great nation not have a vision of what is necessary to navigate in this cruel hard world?

Good men and women from the USA and other nations will die unnecessarily because of this empty suit's dereliction of duty.

Tragic and sad!


Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on September 23, 2014, 02:27:08 AM
The foreign policy of the Obama Administration has brought the world to turmoil.  Yes, he is directly responsible for most of the chaos in the world.  With the void of leadership, evil forces will rise and seize the opportunity every time.

Obama's lead from behind act of nothing more than cowardice will result in many lost American lives that did not need to face the ultimate end.

This man needs to be impeached, unfortunately, the cowardly Congress will be terrified to properly deal with Obama because he is black.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: apples on September 23, 2014, 11:48:41 AM
The foreign policy of the Obama Administration has brought the world to turmoil.  Yes, he is directly responsible for most of the chaos in the world.  With the void of leadership, evil forces will rise and seize the opportunity every time.

Obama's lead from behind act of nothing more than cowardice will result in many lost American lives that did not need to face the ultimate end.

This man needs to be impeached, unfortunately, the cowardly Congress will be terrified to properly deal with Obama because he is black.
Now he is going to get his wish, take out assad. You can add giving Syria to his sharia lovin' folks to your list of crimes.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on September 27, 2014, 03:29:41 AM
Just one more action by the president that can be considered for impeachment.....

President Barack Obama favorably quoted and praised on Wednesday in his speech before the United Nations a controversial Muslim cleric whose organization has reportedly endorsed the terror group Hamas and supported a fatwa condoning the murder of U.S. soldiers in Iraq.

Obama in his remarks offered praise to controversial cleric Sheikh Abdallah Bin Bayyah and referred to him as a moderate Muslim leader who can help combat the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant?s (ISIL or ISIS) radical ideology.

However, Bin Bayyah himself has long been engulfed in controversy for many of his views, including the reported backing of a 2004 fatwa that advocated violent resistance against Americans fighting in Iraq.

This is not the first time that the Obama administration has extoled Bin Bayyah, who also has served as the vice president of a Muslim scholars group founded by a radical Muslim Brotherhood leader who has called ?for the death of Jews and Americans,? according to Fox News and other

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on September 30, 2014, 06:29:47 PM

Once again, total negligence on the part of Obama.  What would it take for COngress to impeach this empty suit?  This carpetbagger who has kept hidden his entire past, unlike any other president.  Friend of leaders of the SDS whose mission was what would be deemed terrorist actions today.  America wants justice.  IMPEACH THIS FOOL BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!

A new Government Accountability Institute (GAI) report reveals that President Barack Obama has attended only 42.1% of his daily intelligence briefings (known officially as the Presidential Daily Brief, or PDB) in the 2,079 days of his presidency through September 29, 2014.

The GAI report also included a breakdown of Obama?s PDB attendance record between terms; he attended 42.4% of his PDBs in his first term and 41.3% in his second.

The GAI?s alarming findings come on the heels of Obama?s 60 Minutes comments on Sunday, wherein the president laid the blame for the Islamic State?s (ISIS) rapid rise squarely at the feet of his Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on October 03, 2014, 09:20:06 PM
Leon Panetta says 'the president keeps sending the wrong message to the world'.  That is another way of saying he is a weak sister.  Today, ISIS muslim murdering dogs brutally cut the head off another Brit.  Next up is another American to lose his life.

When the men that serve this T-baller president abandon ship and then declare he is making stupid foolish mistakes, the only question remaining is when will Congress grow a spine and remove this bum from office?  When?

I say impeachment proceedings should be under way before the end of February, 2015, or the Republicans that take office might as well resign.

Just as the selection of Obama by the Democommies in June, 2008 sent this economy right down the crapper, the announcement of his impeachment would send the economy bounding upwards. 

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on October 07, 2014, 11:20:29 PM
The former VP, Dick Cheney, says we can field four brigades out of 40 in the US Army.  The Pentagon argues that is more like 7 and improving.

I say it is a national tragedy, and one that is totally in the hands of the Commander in Chief, the latte salute joke of a president.

When I say Luxemburg could attack and defeat the USA, I am not too far off.  Certainly a Red Dawn scenario could take place.  We are that vulnerable.

Just one more reason to add to the long list of reason for the IMMEDIATE IMPEACHMENT of this empty suit executive.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on October 11, 2014, 04:24:43 PM
Leon Panetta, former Secretary of Defense, continues to make appearances and stir the pot.  Obviously he is gravely concerned where the T-baller President is leading our once great nation.

The election in November will make the difference between us having any survival as a nation, or the continued rapping an pillaging of America.

Impeachment and Term Limits are the two essential events that need to take place in America.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: Stan In FL on October 11, 2014, 09:11:15 PM
impeachment isn't the answer.  we reelected the guy not that long ago.

I think the election, and reelection, of obama indicate a fundemental flaw in democracy.  I think we have lost the capacity to govern ourselves.  look at detroit.  wash DC isn't that far from such a catastrophe.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on October 17, 2014, 12:09:59 AM
It is one answer.  It is appropriate for the transgressions of this president.

And I say George Soros owning the companies that tabulate the vote, all it takes is a tweek here, tweek there in say 7 states, and wa-la, totally different outcome.

I do not believe Obama won that election any more than I believe he got his social security number in a state he never lived in.

I have never seen any one human lie with such consistency, and not be held accountable.

So, I will add the criminal lack of leadership in protecting the people of America from ebola to the list of reasons for impeachment.  People are dying in America because of this man's incompetence.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on October 19, 2014, 03:28:26 PM



Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: apples on October 20, 2014, 01:42:24 PM



Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on October 26, 2014, 01:11:17 PM
Little more than one week away from the American people electing a GOP Senate.  Once they are sworn in, if they take more than 90 days to begin impeachment hearings, they all should be voted out.  I have zero tolerance for status quo nonsense.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: Stan In FL on October 26, 2014, 03:37:12 PM
what grounds you think you've got for impeachment? 

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on October 26, 2014, 11:06:26 PM
I trust you are being facetious.  If I worked at it, not too hard, I could probably come up with 100 reasons that justify his removal.  All Congress needs to do is go after one.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: Stan In FL on October 27, 2014, 10:00:00 AM
he's incompetent.  but we just got done reelecting the big idiot.  I'm interested in what you think qualifies as an impeachable offense.

myself, I think voters should be forced to feel the burn.  maybe next time, they will take their responsibilities as voters more seriously.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on October 28, 2014, 12:53:55 AM
My numbers are approximate, but the fact is that 92% voted for him in the first election and 84% in the second election.  I am speaking of the black population, who would turn out again and vote for him simply because he is black.  Now the sad truth is that 45 % of blacks age 18-24 are unemployed.  That is despicable.

And the Hispanics are almost equally stupid.

In a country where a news guy can stand there and ask a college age girl who the VP of the USA is, and she declares, "I know who the president is", perhaps we need to go back to the Valley Girl days, or anything that has us rise above the dumbed down society we have now.  The sheep could not be any dumber.  I think it is time we return to only those that own land can vote in America. I no longer believe that everyone having a vote necessitates a good thing.  

Teacher unions and crooked politicians have ruined education in America.

If you go through this thread, you will see me expound on one reason after another.  Suffice to say that his general incompetence should be reason enough.  When a CEO destroys a company as this fool has, they get terminated.  It is not a mystery.

The fact remains that as the Hispanic population becomes ever bigger, the black vote will gradually become insignificant.  They are 13% right now, and one day they will be 12%, and then 11% and any voting strength they have will dissipate like steam.

Hispanics and Asians will grow like kudzu.  And the white population will also continue to wither away, and fewer whites will get elected to office.  But unless we want to find a way to END THE DUMBING DOWN OF AMERICA, this country is truly lost, and we will in fact become another banana republic in time.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on October 28, 2014, 02:43:31 AM
Grounds for Impeachment

1.  Total and general incompetence in all things
2.  Benghazi, and the intentional fraud perpetrated on the American people - 4 dead Americans
3.  Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare - ten of thousands of Americans will die because of this
     legislation.  By end of 2016, I estimate 60 million Americans without healthcare that once had it. AND TENS
     LONGER.  For this, he should be more than just impeached.
4.  Fast & Furious cover up - minimum 1 dead American
5.  IRS scandal
6.  Census Scandal
7.  Dead Americans in every theater due to the rules of engagement - who knows how many???
8.  Release of criminal illegal aliens into general society - hundreds of Americans dead at the hands of released
     illegals into our society.  Most recent, two dead sheriffs in CA, by a man that was deported 4 times.
9.  $1.6 trillion deficit each year
10. No budget for 5 of the last 6 years
11. General corruption, i.e. Solyendra and such where American taxpayer money was squandered on friends of
      Obama.  Makes Warren Harding look like a choirboy!
12. Decline of the military, sufficiently so that the security of the USA is questionable.
13. His defense of racism in America.  Yes, the Trayvon Martin case, the Michael Brown case, etc.  He fostered
      what could be deemed anarchy in the streets, and yes, Americans died.
14  Failure to address immigration
15  Loss of jobs in America, sufficient to add another line to his general malfeasance and Item 1 above.
16  The endless Pinocchio routine, lie after lie after lie.  He took an oath to serve the American people, and he
      has failed that oath with his endless lies.

I could go on and give you 20 more and not work up a sweat.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: Stan In FL on October 29, 2014, 12:38:24 AM

just for a point of reference --

clinton articles of imprqxhmemt (

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on October 29, 2014, 02:29:27 AM
One simple point of Obama versus Clinton....NO ONE DIED WHEN CLINTON WAS GETTING HIS TOOL POLISHED!  DA!

Your argument to defend the marxist amazes me.  If I wanted to do a discertation, I could write 100 pages on why Obama should be removed from office.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on October 29, 2014, 03:09:16 AM
Let me add conspiracy to rig elections.  Obama gave George Soros a $12 billion dollar chunk of money to go forth and develop oil in the waters off of Brazil.  That payoff may well have been tied to vote rigging.

It is scary to think what an investigation would reveal.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: Stan In FL on October 29, 2014, 02:14:21 PM
One simple point of Obama versus Clinton....NO ONE DIED WHEN CLINTON WAS GETTING HIS TOOL POLISHED!  DA!

Your argument to defend the marxist amazes me.  If I wanted to do a discertation, I could write 100 pages on why Obama should be removed from office.

I'm not defending anything.  I was just asking what you think he did.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on October 29, 2014, 10:41:51 PM
Let me add one more.  Causing racial divisiveness that has in fact resulted in the death of about 10 Americans, perhaps more.  Everything this man does is racist in nature.  I find him despicable.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on November 02, 2014, 12:41:23 AM
72 hours from now, that is when the T-baller begins to sweat.  Why you ask?  Because with a Republican House and Senate, we will have the foundation for impeachment hearings.  The cry throughout the land will be deafening.

I doubt they will produce much, but you will see impeachment hearings.

And if they don't, there is zero chance the Republicans will win in 2016.

They also have to nail whoever gave the order to stand down in Benghazi, and that is one of two people, or as is my hope, two of two people.

Finally, unlike the tepid results of the 90s with the Republicans in charge, they have to do some meaningful things, beginning with term limits and balanced budget amendment.

Ted Cruz, this will be your chance  to bring us home.

And last but not least, doing nothing on illegal immigration is also another kiss of death.  It is time the GOP step up and address it.

I give COngress 90 days post their swearing in, then the sh*t hits the fan one way or the other.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on November 05, 2014, 03:40:42 PM
Phase I is now complete for the ultimate impeachment of the T-baller President.

The Republicans now control both houses of Congress.  I am hoping that the lying president keeps his word to the illegal hispanic population in the USA and gives them all a pardon.  If that happens, I envision a decisive Republican Congress taking less than 30 days to impeach the fool.  That is if they are on their game.  That remains to be seen.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on November 06, 2014, 11:22:14 AM
There is already speculation that Obama will do everything he can to instigate Congress to make moves against him in terms of impeachment.  And there are talking heads, one of which is Charles Krauthammer, an individual who is generally right on the money, who says it would be folly to pursue that course because of what happened to the GOP with their efforts with Clinton.

But the fact is that the Clinton situation is very different from what Obama's is.  Clinton had sex, although he denied it, with women.  A scoundrel true enough, but Obama is violating the Constitution that he took an oath to uphold, and by scale, Obama's sins are on a far greater magnitude than Clinton's.

Obama must be impeached, and it must be done quickly.  And Bill O'Reilly was right when he said to Tavis Smiley that the white power brokers fear blacks, and would just rather ignore them.  Fact is, with the flood of Hispanics into the country, the black population over time will become less and less significant as their demographic shrinks as a percent of the population.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on November 11, 2014, 05:53:53 PM
Throughout the week, the stage is being set.  Obama is saying he is moving forward without Congress, and Congress is saying do not cross that line in the sand.  Obama is counting on the Republicans being reluctant to take action against him because of what happened with Clinton.  But the fact is that this transgression is a transgression against Congress.  A much worse event than what Clinton did.

Congress will have no choice but to impeach Obama.  My only wish is that they are very swift with it all.  If they drag it all out, they run the risk of turning off the electorate.

I am hoping for once, that the Great Liar, Obama, actually keeps his promise to do an executive order to legalize illegal aliens that have broken our laws. 

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: Stan In FL on November 11, 2014, 11:53:41 PM
Obama is counting on republicans taking the bait because then the topic of the national debate changes from "Obama sucks".  That's what he's after.

not even boner and the turtle guy are that stupid.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on November 12, 2014, 12:24:35 AM
Impeachment will happen.  The Republicans will have no choice but to go down that road.  Otherwise, Obama wins by proving Congress is as powerless as the Russian Duma.

And if in fact The T-baller President violates the Constitution by giving amnesty to millions of illegals, it is the obligation of the Congress to remove Obama from office.

And with his impeachment, one of the most racist people in USA history is removed from office.

The cover is coming off the ball of the least transparent piece of legislation in USA history.  A guy that got paid $400,000 as an adviser made it blatantly clear that they had to mislead the American people to pass the legislation..  It is only just starting.  I will stick to my projection that the Democrats will be the ones wanting this fool out of office.  He is an embarrassment.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on November 12, 2014, 01:22:19 PM
One of the primary weaknesses for the Republicans should they go down the road of impeachment is the fact that John Roberts, Supreme Court Justice would preside, and he has already proven to be somewhat loyal to Obama.

That is a weakness.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on November 13, 2014, 11:58:43 AM
Congress leadership should stand up now and point out to the president that if he goes down the road of signing an executive action for his 10 point ILLLEGAL IMMIGRANT PLAN, then he faces IMMEDIATE IMPEACHMENT!

He would be usurping Congress, rendering then useless and stealing their Constitutional power.  If they don't impeach him 10 days after being seated in January, they are totally useless.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: Stan In FL on November 14, 2014, 12:10:07 PM
you do realize that we need 66 votes in the senate to convict, right?  and that we will have 54 republicans in the senate, and probably won't get 100% of those?

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on November 15, 2014, 12:13:32 AM
I know this, Barack Obama is the albatross of all times.  The Dems will want to get rid of this bum more than the Republicans.

Congress on the other hand will be rendered meaningless with his executive actions in regard to illegal aliens, and it should not matter which party you are a member of.  Obama must be impeached, otherwise we are on the exact same footing as Russia, where the Duma carries almost no weight whatsoever.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on November 20, 2014, 04:37:01 AM
Today's events will indeed make history and will become the bedrock of the Obama legacy.  Today, the defiant president of the USA will toss the Constitution he took an oath to uphold, and break multiple laws he swore an oath to enforce.

His efforts to usurp the Congress are truly historic.  Should he provide amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, people who violated our laws, have managed to not pay taxes on income, etc, then he has chosen the wrong path.  Congress will have only one option, and that is to remove him from office...yes, IMPEACHMENT!

And for the Bill O'Reillys, Brit Humes, and Charles Krauthammers of the world that think that pursuing impeachment is the wrong course of action, you could not be more wrong.  Making comparisons to what was done with Clinton, simply stated there is no comparison.  Clinton perjured himself about having sex with an intern.  For that he got impeached.  However, that event doesn't measure up to the ankle of the effort of Obama to completely usurp the US Congress and provide amnesty to millions of illegals, particularly when there are tens of millions of Americans that are unemployed.

If Congress does not proceed to impeach him immediately, within 30 days of taking office in January, then they are as useless as the Duma in Russia under the dictator Putin.  And if he gets away with that, with no impeachment, he will be emboldened to do other things, perhaps implement global warming restrictions on the USA to further kill our economy, or his Cap and Trade nonsense, etc.  The man will not stop at anything to wreck havoc on this country.


Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: apples on November 20, 2014, 12:33:05 PM
Today's events will indeed make history and will become the bedrock of the Obama legacy.  Today, the defiant president of the USA will toss the Constitution he took an oath to uphold, and break multiple laws he swore an oath to enforce.

His efforts to usurp the Congress are truly historic.  Should he provide amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, people who violated our laws, have managed to not pay taxes on income, etc, then he has chosen the wrong path.  Congress will have only one option, and that is to remove him from office...yes, IMPEACHMENT!

And for the Bill O'Reillys, Brit Humes, and Charles Krauthammers of the world that think that pursuing impeachment is the wrong course of action, you could not be more wrong.  Making comparisons to what was done with Clinton, simply stated there is no comparison.  Clinton perjured himself about having sex with an intern.  For that he got impeached.  However, that event doesn't measure up to the ankle of the effort of Obama to completely usurp the US Congress and provide amnesty to millions of illegals, particularly when there are tens of millions of Americans that are unemployed.

If Congress does not proceed to impeach him immediately, within 30 days of taking office in January, then they are as useless as the Duma in Russia under the dictator Putin.  And if he gets away with that, with no impeachment, he will be emboldened to do other things, perhaps implement global warming restrictions on the USA to further kill our economy, or his Cap and Trade nonsense, etc.  The man will not stop at anything to wreck havoc on this country.

I doubt even then they will have the votes...notice how many in congress are screaming at the top of their lungs or have been on immigration?  major cricket sounds The majority of the right in congress want this.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on November 20, 2014, 07:17:53 PM
Unfortunately, corporations want cheap labor, so they are all in favor of flooding the USA with as many legal and illegal workers.

The USA standard of living is no longer in the top 10 in the world.  One of the primary reasons for this is the influx of legal and particularly illegal immigrants.

The elected officials of Washington have consistently betrayed the American people, who find themselves struggling with wages that are lower than what existed ten years ago.  It is not a mystery as to why.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on November 21, 2014, 02:57:50 AM
The gauntlet has been tossed by the T-baller President.  He is clearly prepared to abuse his powers and push Congress in such a way that they have only one choice...impeachment.

The notion they can control how the government spends money is so ludicrous, it is beyond belief.  Basically, they are damned if they do, damned if they don't.  So again, impeachment, and I suggest swift impeachment is the only choice.  And the Dems in Congress better get on board, or they might as well all go home and let Barry the dictator run things into the ground on his own.

And people like Geraldo Rivera have zero credibility when they use the logic they do.  Just because illegals have families does not justify their ability to remain in the USA on any basis.

Lucky Luciano, the Gallos and thousands of gangsters had families too, and many of them were deported.  They will tell you all they wanted to do is support their families.

Breaking the law is breaking the law.  There is no rationale or justification.  I simply do not care if illegal aliens give birth to ten babies here in the USA, they should be deported.

We have 10s of millions of Americans permanently unemployed.  When will these b*st*rds sent to Washington stand up for the USA citizenry?  When?

Obama is a traitor, has violated his oath to uphold the Constitution and MUST be IMPEACHED.  There is no alternative, so Congress, do your d*mn job!

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on November 25, 2014, 03:34:15 AM

The T-baller President said the following:

'The fact is, that in too many parts of this country, a deep distrust exists between law enforcement and communities of color.  Some of this is the result of the legacy of racial discrimination in this country.  and this is tragic, because nobody  needs good policing more than poor communities with high crime rates......

I have instructed AG Holder to work with cities across the country to help build better relations between communities and law enforcement.  That means working with law enforcement officials to make sure their ranks are representative of the communities they serve.....  That means working to train officials, so that law enforcement conducts itself in a way that is fair to everybody.  It means enlisting the community actively.

.....but what is also true, is that there are still problems, and communities of color are not just making it up.  Separating that from this particular decision, there are issues in which the law too often feels as if it is being applied in a discriminatory fashion.  I don't think that is the norm.....but these are real issues....

These words from the racist T-baller President are sufficient to INCITE violent blacks to act.  This entire speech focused on what law authorities need to do to fix things.  Not one word of mention of black violence, and perhaps we need to look at what is wrong in the black demographic that has black males so violent.  The behavior in Ferguson reinforces all the negatives regarding blacks in America.

The failure of clear leadership from this president has resulted in potential turmoil throughout the country.  This is just one more item to a long list of why this president should be impeached.  The words of the president did nothing but incite the black population.  Rather than dwelling on what police forces need to do, this was an opportunity for the president, knowing the facts of the case, to address black violence in America, and with that violence comes negative outcomes.  There is no excuse for the violent behavior of the Michael Browns, Treyvon Martins of America.  Both these black violent men are dead because of their violent nature, and no other reason.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on November 30, 2014, 10:43:43 AM
There is no excuse for the T-baller President providing businesses with a $3,000 advantage to hire ILLEGAL ALIENS over USA citizens and legal residents.  Again, his representing foreign interests over those of the people of the USA is an act of treason, even if it was done unwittingly.

There are no excuses for this bum.  Congress better be gearing up for a swift impeachment of this bum, and the Dems better get on board, otherwise come 2016, they will lose even further yet.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on December 05, 2014, 10:10:24 AM
Add one more tentative reason to the long list of justifications to remove the T-baller President ASAP.

Should he move to establish sanctions against Israel, that would and should be the final nail in his coffin.  The betrayal of one of the strongest allies of the USA would render our foreign policy completely useless.  It isn't bad enough now that our allies do not trust us, but to do this to Israel would undermine everything the USA stands for as a nation.

Frankly, Israel has the right to totally annihilate the Palestinian population, for they have proven to be nothing but consistent murderers.  Animals, sub human.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on December 09, 2014, 01:44:38 PM
A posse of 4,000 travels with the T-baller President to Australia for the G20 conference.  I would consider it frivolous to send 4,000 to a conference within the Beltway of Washington DC, let alone halfway around the world.

One more reason to impeach this empty suit we call president.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on December 11, 2014, 11:49:29 AM
Ever walk out on a pond or lake that is newly frozen over, and all of a sudden you hear and see thin cracks in the ice, and you begin to fear you may fall through?  Well, yesterday, the cracks in the ice could be seen and heard.  Praise the Lord!

Yesterday was music to my ears.  I witnessed the T-baller President, yes Obama, being interviewed and asked the question.....'Are you worried about impeachment?'  The journalist asking the question had a strong accent and I did not catch his name, but at last, the word that dare not be spoken!

SIMPLY STATED, CONGRESS HAS NO CHOICE BUT TO SWIFTLY IMPEACH THIS PRESIDENT.  His mission to destroy America as we know it must end.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on December 16, 2014, 12:37:21 AM
I posted a rather long article that provides an impressive summary of why Obama should be removed from office because he is disabled and not fully functional.  Suffice to say, the case to remove him from office is a strong one, and that will become one of the primary themes of 2015.

Below I have noted the URL for the article in Pravda, a Russian publication.  When the world respects a would be adversary more than your own nation's leader, one must ask questions.  Time magazine listed Vladimir Putin as their back up Person of the Year, not Barrack Hussein Obama!

I think the article is one more view of why he should be removed from office.  As I said, I do not care how he goes, just that he goes ASAP.  The survival of this nation is directly tied to his departure from office.  I believe two more years of his nonsense could cause unknown levels of damage to the country and many lives lost.

Please read the article in its entirety.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on December 23, 2014, 04:05:15 PM
Two more dead Americans can be added to the list of charges justifying the immediate impeachment of the T-baller President.

The president along with Holder, Sharpton and DeBlasio are absolutely responsible for the two assassinated police officers in New York City.  Their political race baiting rhetoric caused this event and the death of others throughout the country.  Their actions are no different than someone crying FIRE in a theater.

Congress must impeach Barrack Hussein Obama, and do it swiftly!

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on December 27, 2014, 07:23:52 PM
I applaud the NYPD for letting their mayor know he is no longer respected.  This POS should resign.

But before he said what he said and did what he did, the T-baller President was inciting the country to a race war.  If you keep saying something over and over, there are those that begin to believe it.  Obama is the one that started this mess of racist activism, and he is responsible for blacks marching about crying out for the death of cops.

OBAMA, RESIGN WHILE YOU CAN, FOR CONGRESS WILL HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO IMPEACH YOU IN 2015!  Do the honorable thing and remove your disgraced self from office.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on January 16, 2015, 03:09:55 PM
With the release on Wednesday by Central Intelligence Agency Director John Brennan of the complicity of spying on the Senate by the CIA, with full approval by the Obama Administration, this is one more reason to impeach the T-baller President.

If I did not know better, I would think America had become the former USSR.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on January 25, 2015, 05:12:50 AM
The case for the impeachment of Obama will build rapidly in 2015.  Republicans will do their best to ignore that expectation, evidenced by how well they did with the Benghazi Investigation.

This past week, the following was said:

Col. Oliver North.....'Obama's State of the Union was delusional'.

Col Peters....... 'Our president is AWOL'.

When you have people in the media making these kind of comments, it is only a matter of time before Congress will be asked to remove the president based on the article of the Constitution where the president can no longer discharge the office properly for health reason. 

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on January 27, 2015, 03:28:11 PM
Serious violations of HIPAA for corporate data mining by the Obama Administration, one more line item to add to the list for impeaching Obama immediately.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on January 30, 2015, 12:59:35 AM
Now this Administration is claiming the Taliban are not terrorists.  When this man leaves office, and tomorrow would not be too soon, hopefully we will move past the nonsense of being politically correct in regard to islam.

Islam is the enemy of western civilization.  Obama is a muslim and a marxist and is determined to destroy the USA.  What will it take to awaken Congress, and I am talking both sides of the aisle.

Title: Re: Let the Impeachment Hearing Begin....Please!
Post by: jafo2010 on February 02, 2015, 12:55:18 PM
One more line item justifying the immediate impeachment of the T-baller President, Barrack Hussein Obama.  With every effort, he is disregarding the authority of Congress and undermining our republic.  Congress has only one option here, impeachment.

Also, we need to curtail all immigration until such time the majority of 90 million unemployed Americans are returned to the workforce.

The Obama administration has been issuing millions of work permits over the limits set by Congress, according to a new report from the Center for Immigration Studies.

Post by: jafo2010 on February 06, 2015, 04:31:34 PM
The world is going to hell, and the T-baller President is talking about Christian crusades and the Inquisition while his muslim brothers are destroying the world of today.

And Congress is doing what to address this man's mental incapacity to execute his responsibilities as president? 


Post by: jafo2010 on February 08, 2015, 03:50:45 PM
If the comment below is true, Congress should impeach this bum immediately!

But reports began surfacing last week that the Obama administration is offering Iran technical concessions on its nuclear infrastructure in exchange for Iran?s use of its leverage to tamper regional turmoil.

Post by: apples on February 09, 2015, 11:37:23 AM
If the comment below is true, Congress should impeach this bum immediately!

But reports began surfacing last week that the Obama administration is offering Iran technical concessions on its nuclear infrastructure in exchange for Iran?s use of its leverage to tamper regional turmoil.
I believe it to be true, especially after his crusades comment. I have only read it at one source though. Just my opinion.

Post by: jafo2010 on February 14, 2015, 12:29:46 PM
The perks the T-baller President is providing ILLEGAL ALIENS is beyond impeachable, it is criminal.


Millions of immigrants benefiting from President Barack Obama's executive actions could get a windfall from the IRS, a reversal of fortune after years of paying taxes to help fund government programs they were banned from receiving.

Armed with new Social Security numbers, many of these immigrants who were living in the U.S. illegally will now be able to claim up to four years' worth of tax credits designed to benefit the working poor. For big families, that's a maximum of nearly $24,000, as long as they can document their earnings during those years.

Some Republicans are labeling the payments "amnesty bonuses," one more reason they oppose Obama's program shielding millions of immigrants from deportation.

Post by: jafo2010 on February 14, 2015, 12:37:52 PM
How long before one of these drunks kills someone?  That death will be on the shoulders of Obama.  But like his mentor, Putin, he does not care.

Obama is stepping way outside the bounds of upholding the law.  He is a disgrace, and COngress is one step behind with their total failure to address his immediate impeachment.

Post by: jafo2010 on February 27, 2015, 04:20:19 AM
As an American, who believes in this great nation, I am perplexed on a daily basis by the actions of our executive branch of government, or lack thereof, sufficiently such that I question every day the complete failure of Congress to uphold their oath of office.  If the following, along with all the many things listed in this stream are not sufficient to bring forth the immediate impeachment of this president, who on his best day is a traitor to the American people with every utterance from his lips, what does it take exactly for Congress to do their job?  What? 

Yesterday, the following was said. 

Watching Fox News this evening, I heard the following from the Kelly Report Show that is most noteworthy.

John Kerry, Secretary of State
"Truth is, not withstanding the threat with ISIL, not withstanding people being beheaded publicly,burned publicly and the atrocities they are perpetrating, and it is a serious, serious challenge, to us not withstanding that....there is actually less threat and less probability of people dying in some sort of violent conflict today than at any time in human history."


James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence
"Preliminary data for the first nine months of 2014, over 13,000 attacks with 31,000 deaths.  When the final accounting is done, 2014 will have been the most lethal year for global terrorism in the 45 years such data has been compiled."

And prior to this, we had the spokesperson for the State Department, Marie Harf say that we cannot kill all the members of ISIS, we need to find jobs for them and improve the economies of the middle east.  Well, I do not know what planet she is living on, but the USA has squandered trillions of dollars on the middle east, and it has done nothing to improve the situation.

And if it is not idiots like Marie Harf, it is a worse idiot such as Susan Rice, National Security Advisor, who manages to say consistently some of the dumbest things I have ever heard from someone occupying a high government office.  Stupidity in this administration knows no bounds.

Obama's immediate impeachment is the only thing that will resolve the problems created largely by him and his administration.  While I know our Vice President might win a clown contest, without makeup, he would be better than leaving our country in the hands of a clear marxist bent on the destruction of the USA.

Post by: jafo2010 on February 28, 2015, 04:29:38 PM
Bobby Jindal had some critical comments of those elected in November to Congress, that they are not carrying out the promises they made with their campaigns.  We will see more of this over the next year.

I am also one that questions exactly what the Republicans are doing.  The immediate impeachment of Obama should be on the agenda, and it is not.

Post by: jafo2010 on March 04, 2015, 01:06:19 AM
The response and behavior of the President of the United States to the speech delivered by Israel's Prime Minister to Congress was an embarrassment.  Obama's behavior reminds me of that from a 2-3 year old.

Congress has only one option in his regard, and that is swift impeachment.  Either a certain number of Democommies get on board, or their loses after two more years of this empty suit president will be huge.

Just the unfolding of Obamacare and the harm it will cause to American families will be catastrophic to Americans, and have millions of Americans turning against the Democommie Party.

Post by: jafo2010 on March 28, 2015, 05:55:15 AM
The use of taxpayer money to fund efforts to defeat Netanyahu should call for Obama's immediate dismissal.

And I have just learned that he is spending taxpayer money once more to support a muslim running for president in an African nation.  This is pure abuse of power, and Congress must stand up and deal with this tyrant.


Post by: apples on March 31, 2015, 11:08:32 AM
The use of taxpayer money to fund efforts to defeat Netanyahu should call for Obama's immediate dismissal.

And I have just learned that he is spending taxpayer money once more to support a muslim running for president in an African nation.  This is pure abuse of power, and Congress must stand up and deal with this tyrant.

He is also putting money into the Canadian elections. Oh Britain too.

Post by: jafo2010 on April 01, 2015, 07:35:48 AM
This meddling with foreign government elections with USA taxpayer dollars is destroying the reputation of America.  This must be stopped now.  Where is the Republican turtle Congress?

Post by: apples on April 01, 2015, 12:10:23 PM
  Where is the Republican turtle Congress?

Post by: jafo2010 on April 01, 2015, 09:00:06 PM
If one of these self serving parties does not change soon, in the not too distant future, when we have our
"arab spring", there will be politicians strung up like the end of the movie Spartacus, with someone dangling from every vertical object that prevents touching the ground.

Post by: jafo2010 on July 10, 2015, 04:54:30 PM
Months since I last posted on this string, but that hasn't changed the necessity to remove Mr. Obama from office before destroying more of the country.

Now he has decided to pay healthcare providers based on their perceived level of service.  What does this mean exactly?  I will tell you.  More providers hang up their spurs, good providers, who say they are not going to put up with this nonsense further.  What does that spell for the American people?  Well, for those that have healthcare insurance, much longer wait times to receive service.  That means more Americans will die due to lack of timely care.

And with 2016 just six months away, that is when the sh*t hits the fans, and millions of people lose their corporate provided healthcare.  I honestly cannot wait for this moment to occur, and every knucklehead that voted for this anti American marxist will deserve what they get.  For those subjected to Obama's damaging policies, get smart and vote for a better president next time.

Post by: jafo2010 on August 22, 2015, 12:26:27 PM
Re:  Side deal with Iran, permitting them to do self inspection of their nuclear facilities

If this AP story turns out to be true, then Congress on this issue alone should move swiftly to impeach Obama, and flush his entire corrupt administration down the drain.

The sooner this marxist is removed from office, the better for America.

Post by: apples on August 22, 2015, 12:47:29 PM
Re:  Side deal with Iran, permitting them to do self inspection of their nuclear facilities

If this AP story turns out to be true, then Congress on this issue alone should move swiftly to impeach Obama, and flush his entire corrupt administration down the drain.

The sooner this marxist is removed from office, the better for America.
Not only are they allowed to self inspect, team obama is going to have our military help teach them how to protect their sites from attacks.

Post by: jafo2010 on August 22, 2015, 01:07:47 PM
One more reason to impeach this marxist fool!

Post by: apples on August 22, 2015, 02:18:53 PM
One more reason to impeach this marxist fool!
The list is a long one. He should have been impeached by now.

Post by: jafo2010 on August 22, 2015, 03:38:06 PM
Yes, indeed!  He should have been impeached for 100+ infractions that warrant impeachment.  The ONLY reason why he has not, and I think I have said this before, is that he is black.  He has managed to incite the anger of the violent black population, which is most black males, to feed off his racist mindset.  That is why we have Ferguson and Baltimore.

Obama could have made statements to calm the situation in both cities, but instead, he incited the violent black anger that spilled onto the streets, which has resulted in a major escalation of black murder in America.  Yet, he sits back and does nothing about that.  His mission was CYA.  Incite the violent black male population sufficiently to paralyze Congress from taking any action against him.

Use maggots like Al Sharpton to be a propaganda voice to that same violent black male youth to perpetuate the chaos and borderline anarchy.  I am sure Obama dropped off-hand comments to members of Congress indicating if he were impeached, he would have this violent black mob tear apart the USA.

So, Congress has collectively decided to wait for him to leave office, and suffer what lumps may come.

Post by: jafo2010 on September 17, 2015, 12:23:20 PM
$500 million + squandered with Obama's policy of developing native forces in Syria!

Yes, there are 4-5 whole bodies on the ground that we spent the above sum to train to fight ISIS.  Now if they were X-MEN, I would say that was money well spent, but in the realm of reality, this result is one more justification for the impeachment of Obama.  This country, the world, cannot afford this fool in the office one more day.

If Congress does not remove this fool immediately, then they do not deserve to be re-elected.  The Republicans are every bit as bad as Obama when they stand by and do nothing.

This malaise is exactly why Trump is resonating.  He is standing before America saying he will make America great again, after the fool we have has done everything he could to destroy it.

Post by: apples on September 17, 2015, 12:34:13 PM
$500 million + squandered with Obama's policy of developing native forces in Syria!

Yes, there are 4-5 whole bodies on the ground that we spent the above sum to train to fight ISIS.  Now if they were X-MEN, I would say that was money well spent, but in the realm of reality, this result is one more justification for the impeachment of Obama.  This country, the world, cannot afford this fool in the office one more day.

If Congress does not remove this fool immediately, then they do not deserve to be re-elected.  The Republicans are every bit as bad as Obama when they stand by and do nothing.

This malaise is exactly why Trump is resonating.  He is standing before America saying he will make America great again, after the fool we have has done everything he could to destroy it.
Heard that yesterday on the radio....4 that is how many we have fighting the Isis.

Post by: jafo2010 on September 22, 2015, 12:42:33 PM
Thanks to Pookie, the following was extracted from one of his postings with the toons!  Greta van Susteren said the following:

Article 2, Section 2, Clause 2 of the U. S. Constitution includes the treaty clause, which empowers the president to propose & negotiate agreements between the United States and other nations which become treaties after the advice and consent of a super majority of the U. S. Senate.  That means the President has no power to make a deal solely with Iran, solely alone.  He cannot do that!.  Presidents are NOT Kings!

With that said, why is Congress not moving forward to impeach this fool who thinks he is a king or dictator?  Clearly, he wants to follow in Putin's footsteps, for he attempts to treat Congress the same way Putin treats the Duma.


Makes you wonder if anyone in Congress has ever read the Constitution, the same that they swore an oath to uphold.

Post by: jafo2010 on October 01, 2015, 06:03:24 PM
Obama is proactively working to destroy the sovereignty of the USA.  The comment below should be sufficient justification for his impeachment.  

Under no circumstance do I want to see the USA as part of a global single government.  That would not be in the best interest of the American people.

And the creation of one world governing body was the primary reason why the pope came to the USA, to add his two cents.

What is sad is that both parties are supportive of giving up USA sovereignty.  I VEHEMENTLY OPPOSE THIS IDEA!  This is a direct violation by the president of the USA Constitution.

Speaking before the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 28, Obama argued that it is necessary for the U.S. to retreat as a world superpower so that global governance can rise up in its place.

Post by: jafo2010 on October 12, 2015, 09:06:27 PM
The 60 Minutes interview between Steve Croft and President Obama...nothing more clearly proves this man is delusional than this interview.  Congress should impeach this man before he causes further damage, irreparable damage to the USA and the world in general.

Post by: jafo2010 on October 13, 2015, 03:30:03 AM
Where is Chauncey Gardiner when you need him?  This fool in the position he is in will result in tens of thousands of people dying needlessly, perhaps hundreds of thousands in the next 16 months.

If Congress did their job, at a minimum they could shut him down and stop hi from inflicting more damage on America and the world.  Sadly, the idiot Republicans do not see the time being lost by bickering and not organizing their own affairs.  Keystone Cops are alive and well in the US Capitol building!

"My definition of leadership would be leading on climate change...My definition of leadership is mobilizing the entire world community to make sure that Iran doesn't get a nuclear weapon"  - President Barrack Obama

Post by: jafo2010 on November 03, 2015, 07:12:27 PM
His[Obama] lips are moving, and yes, he is once again lying.  I suppose he is trying to follow in his mentor's footsteps.  I am speaking of Putin.  Obama is like a boy trying to impress his father mimicking Putin with his every move these days.

Putin denied troops and heavy duty war material in the Ukraine, yet mothers and wives in Russia lost their husbands and sons by the hundreds if not thousands in the Ukraine.

Now, the USA sends 50 +/- Special Forces into Syria, but these men are NOT front line troops!  So sayeth President Pinocchio!  Yes, they are there to polish their boots, right?

This man's term will just not end soon enough.  Tens if not hundreds of thousands of innocent people will die because the American president is a weak sister.  Tragic disgrace!

Post by: jafo2010 on November 16, 2015, 08:46:21 PM
Most Americans are usually proud to be American, but how is that possible with the T-baller President?  If you observed the marxist fool we currently have as president make his speech in Turkey, one is left with the notion the man is fully mentally impaired, that he is resolutely delusional.

There is more than sufficient evidence he should be removed immediately for lack of mental acuity.  He simply has allowed his beliefs cripple and destroy the USA.  At no time was this person ever qualified to be president, but as he executes his term in office, there is overwhelming evidence he violates his oath of office on a daily basis.

I believe it is safe to say that millions of people will suffer in the next 14 months if this idiot remains in office.  

I   M   P   E   A   C   H      O   B   A   M   A      N   O   W!

Post by: jafo2010 on November 18, 2015, 06:13:41 PM
It appears an overwhelming majority of these refugees from Syria (roughly 80-90%) are single military age men.  All single men of military age should be prohibited from entering the USA for any reason.

Obama's rhetoric is laughable when one considers the fact that his feckless foreign policy caused the entire tragedy in the middle east in the first place.

Either immediately pass legislation to shut him down, or impeach him.  Those are the choices.

Post by: apples on November 19, 2015, 11:12:07 AM
It appears an overwhelming majority of these refugees from Syria (roughly 80-90%) are single military age men.  All single men of military age should be prohibited from entering the USA for any reason.

Obama's rhetoric is laughable when one considers the fact that his feckless foreign policy caused the entire tragedy in the middle east in the first place.

Either immediately pass legislation to shut him down, or impeach him.  Those are the choices.
They won't stop him. It is just a matter of days or months till we get attacked. I am positive that is what this WH wants and the Rino elite want.  Then they will go after guns with the excuse the terrorist got them to easily here.

Post by: jafo2010 on November 19, 2015, 08:06:25 PM
No one will ever take all the guns in America.  That would launch a 2nd revolution in America.

Not sure where he thinks he is headed.  His stubborn stance on the Syrians is finally proving him wrong.  Obama's affinity to islam, his every decision in support of anything islamic is finally coming home to bite him.  Amen!

Perhaps I am wrong, but those Democrats that wanted re-elected next November, they will have to abandon their defense of Obama.  He is a marxist, anti American criminal embracing fool.  He has set back the black demographic to a level they haven't seen in nearly a century.  Even Clinton, I envision Democrats being extremely cold to her too.

I still believe someone else will jump in on the Dems side.  I know Gore is chomping at the bit.  Any announcement by the FBI in regard to Clinton's criminal activity will have the Democommies coming out of the sewers to run.

Post by: apples on November 20, 2015, 12:02:05 PM
No one will ever take all the guns in America.  That would launch a 2nd revolution in America.

Not sure where he thinks he is headed.  His stubborn stance on the Syrians is finally proving him wrong.  Obama's affinity to islam, his every decision in support of anything islamic is finally coming home to bite him.  Amen!

Perhaps I am wrong, but those Democrats that wanted re-elected next November, they will have to abandon their defense of Obama.  He is a marxist, anti American criminal embracing fool.  He has set back the black demographic to a level they haven't seen in nearly a century.  Even Clinton, I envision Democrats being extremely cold to her too.

I still believe someone else will jump in on the Dems side.  I know Gore is chomping at the bit.  Any announcement by the FBI in regard to Clinton's criminal activity will have the Democommies coming out of the sewers to run.

I still am surprised valjar is giving her the green light. I see obamas talking points in hils speeches though.  Warren i think will come in the race.

Post by: jafo2010 on November 20, 2015, 06:22:12 PM
I am 90% certain the Dem's candidate will not be Clinton.  She is headed to prison, it is only a matter of time.  No way she does not get indicted for her high crimes.  In my view, she and her husband have committed capital treason.

Post by: jafo2010 on November 23, 2015, 08:48:03 PM
Funny how despite how totally incompetent Obama appears on the world stage, no one in Congress brings up impeachment.  With over 400 days remaining for this clown, he can inflict a lot of damage upon the USA and the world.  It is a travesty that Congress does not take their responsibility more seriously.

Post by: jafo2010 on December 13, 2015, 08:24:50 PM
There is only one explanation for Obama's behavior.  I believe it could be labeled as aiding and abetting the enemy, who just happens to be islamic.  His treason warrants immediate removal from office.  Obama should be impeached before he causes further irreparable damage!

More Americans will die because the man is clueless.

Obama Stops Terrorist Investigations By Calling It Profiling.

Post by: jafo2010 on December 14, 2015, 11:32:56 AM
You can almost feel the desperation of the Obama Administration.  With 403 days remaining in this fool's term, his efforts to cover-up the atrocities of his fellow brother and sister murdering muslims has no limits.


Calling genuine investigations into muslim suspects for terrorism as profiling, is nothing short of criminal and again, aiding and abetting the enemy.  This is called treason in any sane country.  What has happened to our nation?

Suppress Shooters' Islamist Ties, Obama Ordered

On the day of the deadly San Bernardino, Calif. massacre, President Obama ignored FBI-procured evidence that the attack was an Islamic terrorist operation and ordered federal officials to mislead the public about the true nature of the assault.

Although the FBI knew immediately on Dec. 2 that the mass-casualty event was a Muslim terrorist attack, Obama and FBI Director James Comey reportedly clashed over why Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, opened fire around 11 a.m. local time on Farook's municipal government workmates, leaving 14 dead and 21 wounded.
The news comes as investigator Phil Haney, who helped to create the Department of Homeland Security, revealed on Fox News that the government shut down a database he created that might have helped to prevent the attack. Haney says he looked into groups that had ties to Farook and Malik as far back as 2012. But civil rights officials accused him of unfairly profiling Muslims, removed his security clearance, and destroyed the data he collected.

Meanwhile in the Oval Office, the official head-scratching over the events in San Bernardino continued. "(I]mmense political pressure was brought down on investigators to avoid using the term 'terrorism,' with Obama stating, 'It is possible that this is terrorist related, but we don't know ... It is also possible that this was workplace related.'"

Post by: apples on December 14, 2015, 11:55:22 AM
You can almost feel the desperation of the Obama Administration.  With 403 days remaining in this fool's term, his efforts to cover-up the atrocities of his fellow brother and sister murdering muslims has no limits.


Calling genuine investigations into muslim suspects for terrorism as profiling, is nothing short of criminal and again, aiding and abetting the enemy.  This is called treason in any sane country.  What has happened to our nation?

What has happened to our nation?
  He has put the final nail in her coffin.

Post by: jafo2010 on January 17, 2016, 03:56:05 PM
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Saw the movie 13 Hours this weekend.  Someone gave the order to forsake 50+/- Americans in Libya(Benghazi attack), literally told everyone that was positioned to come to their aid to stand down, and I believe that someone was Obama the coward, the man out to destroy the USA around the world.

Not only should he be impeached, he should be indicted as a co-conspirator for four murders for he was equally responsible as the man that ordered the attack for their deaths.

I have never been totally disgusted about any president until this fool!

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Post by: jafo2010 on February 17, 2016, 05:26:07 PM
It is being reported that in the death of Justice Scalia, that authorities in Texas contacted the White House.  Rather than suggesting a coroner and full investigation be performed, there appeared to be a rush to close the scene out.  Something smells fishy here.

The family should insist on a toxicology review along with a full autopsy. 

Every day that goes by without Obama being impeached is one more day for him to further damage this great nation.

Post by: apples on February 20, 2016, 03:10:39 PM
It is being reported that in the death of Justice Scalia, that authorities in Texas contacted the White House.  Rather than suggesting a coroner and full investigation be performed, there appeared to be a rush to close the scene out.  Something smells fishy here.

The family should insist on a toxicology review along with a full autopsy. 

Every day that goes by without Obama being impeached is one more day for him to further damage this great nation.
the death of Scalia will always be suspect.

Post by: jafo2010 on March 18, 2016, 12:38:40 AM
How many Americans must die because of Barrack Obama's total failure to enforce the laws in our country?

ICE under the Obama Administration is guilty of gross negligence, releasing this murderer to the street.  A vehicle in the hands of someone intoxicated, racing down streets of America is no different than a muslim terrorist opening up on a crowd with an AK-47.  Both are deadly.

If ICE had been enforcing the law rather than skirting the law, this fool would be in custody versus given the opportunity to disappear, which he will most certainly do.  One more illegal alien murdering a USA citizen.

How many Americans will die because of the failure of Obama to uphold his oath as president?  How many Americans will die because Congress has utterly failed in executing their responsibility?  Obama should have been impeached years ago for a 100 different reasons, but he keeps his job only because he is a black man.  He has done more damage to the black demographic than anyone in USA history.

Teen Driver Facing Motor Vehicle Homicide Charge

A teen driver faces up to 20 years in prison for his role in a fatal crash.

Prosecutors say 19-year-old Eswin Mejia of Omaha was drunk and street racing another vehicle when his pickup slammed into the back of an SUV that had stopped near 33rd and L street on January 31.

alternate text

The driver of the SUV, 21-year-old Sarah Root of Council Bluffs, later died from her injuries.

Police say Mejia's blood alcohol content was .241 which is four times the legal limit to drive. Police say he was also driving on a suspended license.

Mejia is facing a motor vehicle homicide charge in this case.

Post by: apples on March 18, 2016, 04:39:58 PM
How many Americans must die because of Barrack Obama's total failure to enforce the laws in our country?

ICE under the Obama Administration is guilty of gross negligence, releasing this murderer to the street.  A vehicle in the hands of someone intoxicated, racing down streets of America is no different than a muslim terrorist opening up on a crowd with an AK-47.  Both are deadly.

If ICE had been enforcing the law rather than skirting the law, this fool would be in custody versus given the opportunity to disappear, which he will most certainly do.  One more illegal alien murdering a USA citizen.

How many Americans will die because of the failure of Obama to uphold his oath as president?  How many Americans will die because Congress has utterly failed in executing their responsibility?  Obama should have been impeached years ago for a 100 different reasons, but he keeps his job only because he is a black man.  He has done more damage to the black demographic than anyone in USA history.
You know they are hiding the real numbers on how many of their new voter base are killing us. It has to be very many.

Post by: jafo2010 on March 21, 2016, 08:33:10 AM
No need to hide it, for they are in the headlines almost daily.

Post by: jafo2010 on March 27, 2016, 04:32:33 PM
Obama's plan to bring 100,000 Syrian refugees into the USA in 2016 is grounds for invoking the 25th Amendment.  Bringing in these people with no means to verify who they are, where they are from is a direct violation of his oath as president.

It is imperative for the US Congress to do their job.  I do not care that we have but 298 more days until this marxist fool is out of office.  If only one American dies at the hand of these 100,000, it just is not worth the risk.  When I say we are becoming more like Russia, I mean that.  In Russia, human life is not precious.  When the Kursk submarine went down, and the USA and Britain offered Russia assistance, Putin said no and condemned dozens of men that could be saved to their death.  He has had repeat performances where human life mattered little, and many innocent Russians died at the hands of muslim terrorists.

Under our marxist muslim president, he is following in the same pattern as Putin, who I am sure he admires thoroughly.  Putin is a murderous thug.  So what if a few dozen, a few hundred, or even a few thousand Americans die at the hands of these muslims.  No one cares any more.  We have lost our way in this country as a result of mediocre leadership.

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Post by: Stan In FL on March 28, 2016, 12:31:50 PM
why?  this guy gives us a sweet campaign issue every week.

Post by: jafo2010 on March 28, 2016, 07:55:19 PM
Yeah, and the low info voter is clueless.  I think the people that are tuned in are itching to vote in November.

Post by: Stan In FL on March 29, 2016, 12:26:40 AM
you're discounting the brilliant negative ads that are already being edited in republican and PAC video studios all over the country.  she's going to eat the immigration/refugee issue this fall.

Post by: jafo2010 on March 29, 2016, 11:08:23 AM
In the end, as long as Clinton, Sanders or whoever lose in November, that is all I care about.

Post by: jafo2010 on April 13, 2016, 12:53:09 AM
Obama Apologizes for Hiroshima?

If the T-baller President apologizes to Japan for the bombing of Hiroshima, I suggest Congress move to impeach the fool immediately.  The decision by a Democrat president to drop the two atomic bombs is considered the most difficult decision made in history by any president.

But the fact that it was warranted, and that it most likely saved millions of Japanese lives not to mention the Allies that would have died and been wounded invading Japan is all the justification needed.  Japan should be thankful that we vanquished them as thoroughly as we did, saving literally millions of their population.  Most people do not know that many Japanese civilians literally killed themselves with the attack on Okinawa, refusing to be taken prisoner by the Allies.

I know it is too much to expect of a cowardly Republican Congress, but enough is enough!  I don't care that Obama is less than 10 months away from leaving office, this country has tolerated enough from this fool!

Post by: apples on April 13, 2016, 01:56:01 PM
Obama Apologizes for Hiroshima?

If the T-baller President apologizes to Japan for the bombing of Hiroshima, I suggest Congress move to impeach the fool immediately.  The decision by a Democrat president to drop the two atomic bombs is considered the most difficult decision made in history by any president.

But the fact that it was warranted, and that it most likely saved millions of Japanese lives not to mention the Allies that would have died and been wounded invading Japan is all the justification needed.  Japan should be thankful that we vanquished them as thoroughly as we did, saving literally millions of their population.  Most people do not know that many Japanese civilians literally killed themselves with the attack on Okinawa, refusing to be taken prisoner by the Allies.

I know it is too much to expect of a cowardly Republican Congress, but enough is enough!  I don't care that Obama is less than 10 months away from leaving office, this country has tolerated enough from this fool!
I have been surprised he hasn't done it by now. Yet perfect timing. Just when you think he cannot get worse....Che then Japan.  >:(  Will he order our military out of Japan and give them the base too?

Post by: jafo2010 on April 13, 2016, 10:10:15 PM
If he does, I will admit, I do not have a problem with it(CLOSING OUR BASES THAT IS)!!!!!!!

We are on the wrong side of the conflict between China and Japan.  There will be a day of reckoning for what Japan did, and not one American should die because of it.

Post by: jafo2010 on May 02, 2016, 06:31:10 PM
Just when I thought this thread would not have another note to make in regard to Obama's immediate impeachment, he presses to release men that should have been hung or shot.  Why are we releasing these murderers back to murder once more? 

There is no mistaking the UGLY TRUTH that Obama's loyalties to islam, and the murderous devotees to islam, are more important than his oath to his own country.  This is reason for immediate impeachment.  No months of hearings, a straight and immediate removal from office, a one day event.

Post by: apples on May 03, 2016, 11:37:30 AM
Just when I thought this thread would not have another note to make in regard to Obama's immediate impeachment, he presses to release men that should have been hung or shot.  Why are we releasing these murderers back to murder once more? 

There is no mistaking the UGLY TRUTH that Obama's loyalties to islam, and the murderous devotees to islam, are more important than his oath to his own country.  This is reason for immediate impeachment.  No months of hearings, a straight and immediate removal from office, a one day event.
He makes my blood boil.

Post by: jafo2010 on June 12, 2016, 08:34:05 PM
50 more dead Americans at the hand of a muslim claiming loyalty to ISIS!


How many more Americans must die because of Obama's loyalty to islam, and Congress' total failure to execute their responsibility to impeach Obama?  How many more Americans will die?  And if Clinton gets elected, I think it is safe to ask how many millions of innocent people will die because of her total incompetence?

Post by: jafo2010 on August 03, 2016, 04:44:37 PM
$400 million paid out as a ransom to Iran warrants immediate impeachment.  This does not require months and years of research.  What this president did is just one more action by him that warrants impeachment immediately.

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