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Stink Eye Discussion Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: apples on February 11, 2014, 12:03:34 PM

Title: White House reportedly debating whether to target US citizen with drone attack
Post by: apples on February 11, 2014, 12:03:34 PM

The Obama administration is debating whether to use a drone strike to try to kill an American citizen who is a member of Al Qaeda and is actively plotting against the U.S., and how it could do so legally, senior U.S. officials confirm to Fox News.

A senior official who has been involved in the discussion for the past six months said the debate involves the Justice Department, State Department, Department of Defense, the CIA and the White House, and there have been ?elaborate, multiple legal reviews? on the subject.

According to the official, the discussions are seeking to ?weigh the purest legal reasoning with the needs of the nation.? The Department of Defense and others are also considering the legal precedent this case would set in light of strict concerns about the Constitution.

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