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Stink Eye Discussion Forums => Politics => Topic started by: apples on October 18, 2016, 05:51:42 AM

Title: FBI Served with Request for Hillary?s Backup Device?Object Is in FBI?s Possessio
Post by: apples on October 18, 2016, 05:51:42 AM
FBI Served with Request for Hillary?s Backup Device?Object Is in FBI?s Possession

WASHINGTON, D.C. ? A backup data device containing Hillary Clinton?s emails exists in the FBI?s possession. The FBI is now challenged to produce the long forgotten device.

The FBI received a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request ?VIA CERTIFIED MAIL? Wednesday from Judicial Watch.

The existence of this device is generating behind-the-scenes frenzy in the Beltway as the FBI continues to get hammered over its investigation of the Clinton email scandal. FBI director James Comey conducted an investigation based on small partial email discoveries here and there. The fact that the FBI did not look at all of her emails actually helped Clinton to avoid prosecution. What if the FBI had considered all the emails that were just released by Wikileaks, instead of just the emails that Comey found in small batches of 30? Could that have changed the result and led to a prosecution?

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