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Stink Eye Discussion Forums => Politics => Topic started by: JohnBrowdie on September 02, 2009, 04:21:27 PM

Title: Schilling Tossing Cap In Senate Race?
Post by: JohnBrowdie on September 02, 2009, 04:21:27 PM
don't laugh.  it makes at least as much sense as al franken. ::)

Schilling Tossing Cap In Senate Race?
Pitcher Eyes Run At Kennedy's Seat

Schilling told NECN in an interview Wednesday that he was eyeing the seat left vacant by Kennedy, 77, who succumbed to brain cancer last week.

"I do have some interest in the possibility. That being said to get to there from where I am today, many, many things would have to align themselves for that to truly happen," Schilling said. "I am not going to comment further on the matter since at this point it would be speculation on top of speculation."

Schilling supported President George W. Bush in the 2004 election and would presumably run as a Republican.

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