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Stink Eye Discussion Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: JohnBrowdie on January 13, 2010, 10:24:56 AM

Title: Terror conspirator Padilla asks US federal panel to toss out conviction
Post by: JohnBrowdie on January 13, 2010, 10:24:56 AM
this was inevitable.  the obamites had no idea that they were merely knocking over the first domino.  and the real damage has yet to be done.  evidentiary hearings will absolutely result in exposing american -- as well as that of our international allies --  intelligence gathering methods to al quada.

THIS is why you don't put amateurs in high office. 

Terror conspirator Padilla asks US federal panel to toss out conviction

ATLANTA — Convicted terrorism plotter Jose Padilla's attorneys asked an appeals court on Tuesday to throw out his conviction, arguing that he was the victim of "outrageous governmental conduct."

Padilla gained notoriety when he was accused in 2002 of plotting to blow up a radioactive "dirty bomb," though those claims were eventually dropped. He was later convicted along with two others in an unrelated terrorism plot.

Padilla's lawyer told the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals that his client should have been granted an evidentiary hearing before the 2007 trial that would have proved he was being mistreated by the government.

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