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Stink Eye Discussion Forums => Politics => Topic started by: apples on November 20, 2014, 12:01:29 PM

Title: Appropriations panel: Defunding immigration order 'impossible'
Post by: apples on November 20, 2014, 12:01:29 PM

It would be ?impossible" to defund President Obama?s executive order through a government spending bill, a House Appropriations Committee spokeswoman said Thursday.
Jennifer Hing told reporters that Congress doesn?t provide funding to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS), the agency responsible for issuing work permits and green cards. Instead, the agency is funded through fees.

?We cannot, literally cannot, defund that agency in an appropriations bill because we don?t appropriate that agency. That agency is entirely fee funded,? Hing said.

?As of right now, our understanding is the primary agency responsible for implementing any type of executive order is CIS and we don?t fund CIS. There are no appropriated dollars,? she added

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