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Stink Eye Discussion Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: apples on April 14, 2017, 12:03:53 PM

Title: EPA head tells coal miners 'regulatory assault is over'
Post by: apples on April 14, 2017, 12:03:53 PM

SYCAMORE, Pa. (AP) -- Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt told dozens of Pennsylvania coal miners Thursday that the "regulatory assault" on their industry is over, and that the environment can be protected without hurting business.

"We're going to do it the American way, grow jobs and show the rest of the world how it's done," Pruitt said before going on a mine tour about 50 miles south of Pittsburgh.

"The regulatory assault is over," he said, referring to tightened environmental and other regulatory standards on coal and other energy industries under former President Barack Obama. "We're going to partner together with you."

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