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Stink Eye Discussion Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: JohnBrowdie on April 01, 2011, 09:19:29 PM

Title: Koran-burning sparks deadly retribution
Post by: JohnBrowdie on April 01, 2011, 09:19:29 PM
I hope terry jones is happy.  while the fault clearly lies with the rioters, the instigator can't be ignored.  what was he trying to accomplish?  to cause trouble? 

Koran-burning sparks deadly retribution

Outraged by the burning of a Koran in the United States, rioters attacked a United Nations compound in the northern Afghanistan city of Mazar-i-Sharif on Friday, leaving at least seven foreigners and four Afghans dead after an hour-long rampage and raising troubling questions about the capacity of the Afghan police to maintain law and order.

Mazar-i-Sharif, a prosperous city run by a strongman governor, has been considered among the few relatively peaceful places in Afghanistan. Only 10 days ago, it was named as one of the first four provincial capitals where local security forces will assume full responsibility for security beginning this summer.

The attack occurred as crowd of some 2,000 men marched past the compound in an organized protest against the burning of a Koran two weeks ago by a fringe Florida pastor, Terry Jones.

Most Afghans, lacking access to international news and the Internet, learned of the incident just this week from local media after President Hamid Karzai publicly condemned the Koran-burning.

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Title: Re: Koran-burning sparks deadly retribution
Post by: natstew on April 02, 2011, 09:58:49 AM
islam is an evil, evil, religion. It is the opposite of everyhing Jesus taught. It is totally anti-Christian and anti our Western way of life.
The 12th imam fits the anti-christ in the last book of the Bible.
 Whether you're a Christian or not, you should be afraid. There is no dealing with these people. The ones living "peacefully" in the U.S. and other countries are just waiting for the trigger to set the revolution off. I'd burn a thousand korans if it wasn't for the cost of buying them. Mail me one and I'll damn sure burn it.
 Did the preacher Jones break any Federal, State, County, or City laws by burning the koran? If so, charge him, if not give him a medal. We need something to wake America up to the castrophe ahead.
 And don't think you're immune if you're non-religious. To them, you're either muslim or infidel (non-human). There are no innocent bystanders.

Title: Re: Koran-burning sparks deadly retribution
Post by: jafo2010 on April 02, 2011, 01:19:00 PM
Sadly, Terry Jones comes off as a lunatic with the liberal media.  The real lunacy are the Muslims that think what he did justifies killing "X" number of people clear on the other side of the globe.  Nat is right, if anything, Jones deserves to be heralded as a hero, for standing up and taking a position against Islam, which would gladly have every infidel dead if it could.  That means the vast majority of the USA dead, and rightfully so in their eyes.

To me, Jones is a hero, and George Bush is a traitor, for getting up two weeks after 9/11 and telling the American people about the good Islamic people.  As I have repeatedly said, had FDR done something like that, telling the American people that the Japanese people are by and large a good people, he would have been strung up within 24 hours.

I know many Muslims that are good people, true enough.  BUT....BUT!!!.....BUT!!!  the good Muslims follow those that say death to America...Kill the Infidel, ETC, ETC, ETC!!!!!!!!!!!!  So, until the good Muslims rise up in force and stand with the infidel, no pussyfooting around, stand tall and say, it is time to kill the radical son of a b*t*h, then they are all the enemy and should be treated accordingly....starting with the b*stards in Saudi Arabia.  Need we not forget that 15 or 16 of the 19 from 9/11 came from Saudi Arabia.  Where were the investigative reports on exactly who these people were?  I missed that.  How many of them had ties with the royal family....YES I SAID ROYAL FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????  Just no investigative reporting whatsoever.

I am telling you all, the truth about 9/11 is no more known than who in fact killed JFK.  IT STINKS......STINKS!!.........STINKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Koran-burning sparks deadly retribution
Post by: Doc on April 02, 2011, 01:26:59 PM
I think one needs to understand that these are "people" with a seventh-century mindset.  Their mental priorities are simply (in order of determining behavior):

Family > Tribe > Religion > Regional ethnicity (language/dialect) > National identity > Individual thoughts/values

Since individual thought is at the bottom of their mental priority list, deviation in everything above is considered an "insult", and therefore met with a violent reaction.

This is why western intervention in such areas is a "fools errand"........there are only TWO options in dealing with cultures like these:

Exterminate them........


Isolate them and leave them alone........

Afgans in particular have been at war for over two thousand years.....even the Romans, and Ghengis Kahn had sense enough to leave them alone.  When they are not at war with invaders, they start wars among themselves......they fight for sport, and entertainment.  Not that they are partivularly good at it,........they just don't know how to do anything else.......


Title: Re: Koran-burning sparks deadly retribution
Post by: jafo2010 on April 02, 2011, 01:34:19 PM
And George Bush thought what, oh yes, that he was going to bring democracy to these people...right!

Further, that we could accomplish what every other power through history could not..   JEEESSHHH!!!!!  How stupid we are.

Either kill every blade of grass or get the h*ll out of that country.  Who we kidding, the Taliban has regained control of 80% of the country.  Get out now, and save a few of our expendable youths' lives.  They are laying their lives down for absolutely nothing.  Iraq and Afghanistan, following Vietnam, is truly a criminal act.

Title: Re: Koran-burning sparks deadly retribution
Post by: Doc on April 02, 2011, 01:50:58 PM
And George Bush thought what, oh yes, that he was going to bring democracy to these people...right!

Further, that we could accomplish what every other power through history could not..   JEEESSHHH!!!!!  How stupid we are.

Either kill every blade of grass or get the h*ll out of that country.  Who we kidding, the Taliban has regained control of 80% of the country.  Get out now, and save a few of our expendable youths' lives.  They are laying their lives down for absolutely nothing.  Iraq and Afghanistan, following Vietnam, is truly a criminal act.

I'd argue that Iraq (and Iran) is significantly different......a much more secular and educated population, and more diverse western heritage........I firmly believe that eventually Iraq (and Iran) will emerge with some form of democratic governments, but it is taking some time.

Iranians (and a substantial number of Iraquis) ARE NOT Arabs.....they are of eastern European origin, with a civilization that is nearly as old as the Chinese.  Over history they have both had democratic/constitutional monarchy style governments that were successful.  The de-evolution of Islam has had a corrosive effect on what would normally be a "redeemable" government environment.


Title: Re: Koran-burning sparks deadly retribution
Post by: apples on April 02, 2011, 04:03:36 PM
They do not need a excuse, they would have do this anyway. It is about taking over the general population with fear. Last night I was watching some comedian, he did a Catholic joke. They are to afraid to do a mooselimb joke. See fear is working. I say burn baby burn!

Title: Re: Koran-burning sparks deadly retribution
Post by: natstew on April 02, 2011, 05:33:18 PM
They do not need a excuse, they would have do this anyway. It is about taking over the general population with fear. Last night I was watching some comedian, he did a Catholic joke. They are to afraid to do a mooselimb joke. See fear is working. I say burn baby burn!

Bring our sons and daughters home and leave them a going away present, a nuclear tipped cruise missile or two, or three, or ever how many it takes to turn that God forsaken hell hole into glass.

 My daughter served a year in Iraq and a year in Afghanistan, she re-uped after being told she wouldn't have to go back, now her outfit is scheduled to go back to Afghanistan in July or August.  Same as they did in the 60's and 70's to get people to re-up. Lying bastards!

Title: Re: Koran-burning sparks deadly retribution
Post by: apples on April 02, 2011, 05:37:37 PM
Bring our sons and daughters home and leave them a going away present, a nuclear tipped cruise missile or two, or three, or ever how many it takes to turn that God forsaken hell hole into glass.

 My daughter served a year in Iraq and a year in Afghanistan, she re-uped after being told she wouldn't have to go back, now her outfit is scheduled to go back to Afghanistan in July or August.  Same as they did in the 60's and 70's to get people to re-up. Lying bastards!
I agree nuclear tipped cruise missile, first drop pork on them,  cruise missile.  I thank your daughter for her service.

Title: Re: Koran-burning sparks deadly retribution
Post by: JohnBrowdie on April 02, 2011, 06:20:40 PM
I still have yet to hear anyone explain what burning a koran accomplished, spiritually speaking, for his congregation?  what was the goal?

there is not only a radical segment of islam in the middle east, there is a radical segment of christianity in florida.  this guy is going to be handing out poisoned kool-aid one day soon.

Title: Re: Koran-burning sparks deadly retribution
Post by: jafo2010 on April 02, 2011, 08:00:11 PM

I replyto what you said...secular...get real....under the rule of an Islamic state, there is no secular anything.  Demcracy as you know it is absolutely against the most fundamental Islamic principles...they bel;ieve  ONE RELIGION and ONE LEADER.

Democracy and secularism are not part of the equation, and never will be but for a brief passing moment, when the radicals(leaders) of Islam say bad secularist, and have you shot before breakfast one morning before prayers.

And for you JB, just because Jones is burning a Quran does not make him a crackpot.  Dos not make him a Jim Jones of Guyana.  What does it accomplish?  It is merely a symbolic act to show that he does not believe in Islam.  Nothing more.

And that does not justify a bunch of Mr. Bush's GOOD PEOPLE in the act of murdering a score of people that had nothing whatsoever to do with Mr. Jones in Florida.

Mr Jones I believe is declaring that they are to be scorned...and he is right.  You may not like how he goes about it, but his message is more on target than anything Mr. Bush had to say about the GOOD ISLAMIC PEOPLE!!!!  Please!

And most of America would agree!

If you are going to go to war as he did with Islamic states, you better be prepared to kill every last mothers' son, or suffer the consequences.  We are now suffering the consequences before we tuck our tails between our legs and leave both of these countries.

I say Iraq and Afghanistan is nothing less than criminal, and that Bush and Obama should be made to answer for their folly!

Title: Re: Koran-burning sparks deadly retribution
Post by: JohnBrowdie on April 02, 2011, 08:09:20 PM
in fact, one of the problems with islam is that there is no central authority.  that's what keeps people like bin laden in business;  he is able to abduct an entire religion to further his own twisted agenda.

and terry jones is a whack job.  he isn't bringing lost souls to God, he's getting himself in the news.  and he is getting people killed for no reason.

Title: Re: Koran-burning sparks deadly retribution
Post by: jafo2010 on April 02, 2011, 08:12:52 PM
I disagree.  Not totally...he may well be a whack job, but he has the right to freedom of speech....and if Mr Bush's good Muslims want to whack someone, they never needed a reason in the past.  He is just convenient, much like the cartoonist that made a cartoon of Muhammed which resulted in people dying too.

The fact is, the western world needs to awaken to the fact that we are at war with a religion....there is no gray here.

Title: Re: Koran-burning sparks deadly retribution
Post by: JohnBrowdie on April 02, 2011, 08:18:14 PM
the united states does not, I repeat does NOT, involve itself in religious wars.  Europe tried that with the crusades, and Europe nearly destroyed itself.

if it was a religious war, then the objective would be to eradicate the religion;  in this case, Islam.  all we want to do is grease all the guys that want to kill us.  many of them just happen to be muslim.

there is a huge difference there, pal.


Title: Re: Koran-burning sparks deadly retribution
Post by: jafo2010 on April 02, 2011, 08:25:39 PM
Well, I am going to start charging my services as a psychic, because I am telling you before the end of this decade, the western world will be in a serious battle against Islam.

We are now, but we are packaging it as something else.

Title: Re: Koran-burning sparks deadly retribution
Post by: JohnBrowdie on April 02, 2011, 08:27:41 PM
is that before or after obama doesn't run for re-election?  LOL.   ;D

Title: Re: Koran-burning sparks deadly retribution
Post by: jafo2010 on April 02, 2011, 08:50:11 PM
One small correction, I said decade and I meant century.

And just watch and is not so far away.  

With the new state regulations being passed, how can he possibly run?  Can Trump be all wrong?  I am telling you, he is hitting upon something that will be resounding next year if Obama does not step forward with his birth certificate indicating he is a Muslim   or declaring him white or something peculiar.

He will not run, he will pull a LBJ, and when he does, you can bow before me........................................LOL

Title: Re: Koran-burning sparks deadly retribution
Post by: JohnBrowdie on April 02, 2011, 08:59:49 PM
yes, trump can be all wrong.  jesus, just look at the dude's hair.  we can start there.  I'm not sure how much more f*cked up you have to be after that.

this terry guy is a massive, drooling whack job, and a public menace.  he give "free speech" a black eye.

and you are going down in flames on the re-election thing.  you just don't seem to appreciate the holy crusade that the obamites see themselves conducting.  and the bad news is that he will probably win.  it's pretty hard to un-elect a sitting president.

Title: Re: Koran-burning sparks deadly retribution
Post by: C_Clayton_Jones on April 03, 2011, 09:51:18 PM
The fact is, the western world needs to awaken to the fact that we are at war with a religion....there is no gray here.
In that case what’s the disposition of American Muslims? Do they get a ‘free pass’ or must they somehow demonstrate their loyalty? And if that’s the case how will Free Exercise Clause violations be avoided? Otherwise American Muslims would have to be treated as the enemy.

Title: Re: Koran-burning sparks deadly retribution
Post by: natstew on April 03, 2011, 10:01:45 PM
 Hey, Lincoln set aside the Constitution to preserve the union, we can do the same for the survival of the Union.

 After all, Obama has already called it a flawed document.

Title: Re: Koran-burning sparks deadly retribution
Post by: RayGuy on April 04, 2011, 10:28:32 AM
Burn the American flag.  Dip Christ in urine.  Glance cross-eyed at that "holy" Koran and watch the feathers fly.  Religion of peace my hairy ass.

Title: Re: Koran-burning sparks deadly retribution
Post by: JohnBrowdie on April 04, 2011, 03:41:04 PM
that's precisely why is isn't, can't be, and never will be a war against a religion. 

In that case what’s the disposition of American Muslims? Do they get a ‘free pass’ or must they somehow demonstrate their loyalty? And if that’s the case how will Free Exercise Clause violations be avoided? Otherwise American Muslims would have to be treated as the enemy.

Title: Re: Koran-burning sparks deadly retribution
Post by: Doc on April 04, 2011, 04:03:00 PM
In that case what’s the disposition of American Muslims? Do they get a ‘free pass’ or must they somehow demonstrate their loyalty? And if that’s the case how will Free Exercise Clause violations be avoided? Otherwise American Muslims would have to be treated as the enemy.

Actually the problem with Islam and America is that in it's essence, Islam is a combination of a theological philosophy with a political ideology (sharia).  It is the only "Great Religion" with a finite political agenda.

The "political" aspect of Islam is what makes it virtually incompatable with western thought and democratic principles.  Ergo, if American muslims wish to coexist in peace and prosper here, they must be Americans first, and then Muslims.  Those that do this are unfortunately considered apostate by the rest of the Islamic world.........

A problem without an external solution........without a "Reformation" internally within Islam (to seperate the politics from the faith), coexistance with western democracies ain't ever gonna happen.


Title: Re: Koran-burning sparks deadly retribution
Post by: natstew on April 04, 2011, 06:32:47 PM
Actually the problem with Islam and American is that in it's essence, Islam is a combination of a theological philosophy with a political ideology (sharia).  It is the only "Great Religion" with a finite political agenda.

The "political" aspect of Islam is what makes it virtually incompatable with western thought and democratic principles.  Ergo, if American muslims wish to coexist in peace and prosper here, they must be Americans first, and then Muslims.  Those that do this are unfortunately considered apostate by the rest of the Islamic world.........

A problem without an external solution........without a "Reformation" internally within Islam (to seperate the politics from the faith), coexistance with western democracies ain't ever gonna happen.


And that says it all.

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