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Stink Eye Discussion Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: JohnBrowdie on October 28, 2009, 04:37:12 PM

Title: Senate climate bill will raise gasoline prices, domestic oil refiners say
Post by: JohnBrowdie on October 28, 2009, 04:37:12 PM
that's the whole idea.  government intervention causes prices to rise in a given sector of the economy, the government declares that industry to be criminals against humanity, drives them out of business and nationalizes that industry.  government then pleads in forlorn fashion that it never wanted to be in the ________ business in the first place, but they were forced to take action.

we've seen this movie before with this bunch.
Senate climate bill will raise gasoline prices, domestic oil refiners say

A Senate climate change proposal could add around 30 percent, or 77 cents a gallon, to the price of gasoline, according to Domestic oil refiners.

A group of refiners used the possible price hike on Wednesday to launch the latest in a series of attacks against the proposal.

But Democrats on a key Senate panel shot back, saying the industry’s estimate is based on an inflated projection of the price of permits companies will have to hold to cover their carbon emissions. A cost containment mechanism will keep the price from approaching the industry’s estimate, supporters said.

The lawmakers said the bill will spur industry innovation and that will create millions of new “green” jobs.

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