So, the disjointed Republicans have once again proven their inability to produce a result as promised. The three GOP senators that voted with the Democrats to keep Obamacare were Sens. John McCain, Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins. These three senators need to be targeted in the primary when they run in their next election or ideally have enough pressure put on them to resign.
I thought it was a huge mistake to start with healthcare. The Republicans wasted over six months. Again, proof positive they are not conservative and are good at complaining, but abysmal at producing results. They need to move on to other agenda items. The notion that tax reform could not happen until healthcare was resolved is idiotic.
To the Republicans, get busy producing a result NOW! To the Democrats who have abdicated their role to do anything but resist, do the American people a favor and resign. If you think this tactic will win any favor with the American people, you are mistaken.
If ever there was a time for a third party, now is the time. I have thought for a very long time the two party system no longer represents the interests of the American people.
As part of the anti-Trump efforts, I fully expect the Republicans to produce nothing meaningful leading up to the 2018 elections. The result will be registered Republicans will stay home, and the Democommies will regain one if not both houses of Congress in 2018.
Single payer will come when the Democommies have control, and if you think you are paying high premiums now, just wait! And if you think 95 million people sitting at home is a high number now, just wait. The New World Order pukes led by the Bushes, Clintons and Obama just had a nice victory.
Trump needs to realize he needs to lead the feckless Republicans in such a way to produce results and end his childish approaches. If he does not begin leading these cats, he will waste four years getting nothing done in Congress. To lose either house in 2018 will result in Trump being a lame duck president for his single term as president. The American people will not turn out to vote for Republicans in 2020, which will turn everything over to the Democommies once again. Ugggh!
The Senate has dealt a devastating setback to Republican efforts to repeal Obamacare, defeating a GOP "skinny repeal" bill early Friday morning.
Sens. John McCain, Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins joined with Democrats to oppose the measure.
McCain, who had voted for a motion to proceed to the bill Monday after returning to Washington following surgery for a brain tumor, held out all day, including in a press conference where he criticized the partisan process that led to the after-midnight vote.