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Author Topic: GOP Obamacare Repeal Bill Fails in Dramatic Late-night Vote  (Read 14418 times)
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« on: July 28, 2017, 04:16:52 AM »

So, the disjointed Republicans have once again proven their inability to produce a result as promised.  The three GOP senators that voted with the Democrats to keep Obamacare were Sens. John McCain, Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins.  These three senators need to be targeted in the primary when they run in their next election or ideally have enough pressure put on them to resign.

I thought it was a huge mistake to start with healthcare.  The Republicans wasted over six months.  Again, proof positive they are not conservative and are good at complaining, but abysmal at producing results.  They need to move on to other agenda items.  The notion that tax reform could not happen until healthcare was resolved is idiotic.  

To the Republicans, get busy producing a result NOW!  To the Democrats who have abdicated their role to do anything but resist, do the American people a favor and resign.  If you think this tactic will win any favor with the American people, you are mistaken.

If ever there was a time for a third party, now is the time.  I have thought for a very long time the two party system no longer represents the interests of the American people.

As part of the anti-Trump efforts, I fully expect the Republicans to produce nothing meaningful leading up to the 2018 elections.  The result will be registered Republicans will stay home, and the Democommies will regain one if not both houses of Congress in 2018.

Single payer will come when the Democommies have control, and if you think you are paying high premiums now, just wait!  And if you think 95 million people sitting at home is a high number now, just wait.  The New World Order pukes led by the Bushes, Clintons and Obama just had a nice victory.

Trump needs to realize he needs to lead the feckless Republicans in such a way to produce results and end his childish approaches.  If he does not begin leading these cats, he will waste four years getting nothing done in Congress.  To lose either house in 2018 will result in Trump being a lame duck president for his single term as president.  The American people will not turn out to vote for Republicans in 2020, which will turn everything over to the Democommies once again.  Ugggh!

The Senate has dealt a devastating setback to Republican efforts to repeal Obamacare, defeating a GOP "skinny repeal" bill early Friday morning.

Sens. John McCain, Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins joined with Democrats to oppose the measure.

McCain, who had voted for a motion to proceed to the bill Monday after returning to Washington following surgery for a brain tumor, held out all day, including in a press conference where he criticized the partisan process that led to the after-midnight vote.

« Last Edit: July 28, 2017, 04:23:02 AM by jafo2010 » Logged
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« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2017, 01:09:49 PM »

No one in congress really wants to get rid of obamacare.  Angry
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« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2017, 02:03:22 PM »

Perhaps when enough people die because of Obamacare, they will wake up.

My best friend, his father died because of it!  More will die.  And that has nothing to do with the Republicans funding or not funding this disastrous program.
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« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2017, 02:29:45 PM »

Perhaps when enough people die because of Obamacare, they will wake up.

My best friend, his father died because of it!  More will die.  And that has nothing to do with the Republicans funding or not funding this disastrous program.

The masses may wake up, but it will be to late. Remember they need to kill off millions, it is a plan they have had for years.  Then again Doctors have been killing off patients for a while now. One killed my mom.
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« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2017, 01:15:11 AM »

Doctors are the 4th leading cause of death in America, right behind heart disease, cancer and strokes.  We are talking a huge number of people.

But that might be passed by the number of people that die from the policies of Obamacare, but sadly, there will be no effort to determine the exact number, and the totally corrupt American media will continue to lie to the American people. 

What is sad is that so many listen to the mainstream media and believe the nonsense they are spewing.  If this is allowed to continue, corruption will only continue to escalate, and the people getting screwed by the media and the self serving politicians will be abused worse yet.

I have come to believe that Trump is fighting an impossible battle.  The New World Order pukes have sufficient control that no one will support any of Trump's agenda.  If the dumb from the neck up Republicans continue down this road, they will lose both houses of Congress in 2018.
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« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2017, 02:46:00 PM »

Doctors are the 4th leading cause of death in America, right behind heart disease, cancer and strokes.  We are talking a huge number of people.

But that might be passed by the number of people that die from the policies of Obamacare, but sadly, there will be no effort to determine the exact number, and the totally corrupt American media will continue to lie to the American people. 

What is sad is that so many listen to the mainstream media and believe the nonsense they are spewing.  If this is allowed to continue, corruption will only continue to escalate, and the people getting screwed by the media and the self serving politicians will be abused worse yet.

I have come to believe that Trump is fighting an impossible battle.  The New World Order pukes have sufficient control that no one will support any of Trump's agenda.  If the dumb from the neck up Republicans continue down this road, they will lose both houses of Congress in 2018.

They want to lose both houses in 2018.
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« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2017, 11:32:01 PM »

This is what comes with corruption, and all the more reason for the nedd to legislate TERM LIMITS!

Another Trump promise that is conveniently forgotten.  Have not heard him utter the words since he was elected, but just prior, he was ringing the TERM LIMIT bell!
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« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2017, 08:24:03 AM »

This is what comes with corruption, and all the more reason for the nedd to legislate TERM LIMITS!

Another Trump promise that is conveniently forgotten.  Have not heard him utter the words since he was elected, but just prior, he was ringing the TERM LIMIT bell!

Federal term limits will require a Constitutional Amendment. that process originates in  Congress, where the amendment, if voted out, then goes to the states, many of which have term limits of their own.

Do you REALLY think the Congress we have now would vote to kill their golden goose, and send such an amendment to the states for action? I don't.  :Smiley

You can get more with a smile, a handshake and a gun than you can with a smile and a handshake - Al Capone
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« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2017, 07:22:55 PM »

Of course not.  But if Congress does not create this amendment, our republic is done.  The level of corruption at present will only worsen.  The elite class of politician either comes to an end or an ultimate negative outcome.  I envision the negative outcome will be the end of the republic and an evolution toward a more authoritarian, perhaps totalitarian government.

If the antifa types have their way, it will resemble a fascist enterprise on the scale of Nazi Germany.  If the uber liberals have their way, it will go the route of Cuba, where a handful or one family will have complete control.  Either way, the US Constitution gets scrapped.

A part of me is confident the antifas will disappear as fast as they arose, just like the idiot occupy movement.  It's the idiot uber liberals that pose the greatest threat.  They actually believe that global warming is the greatest threat to the USA.  They would eliminate the entire Constitution, and make it a crime to be anti global warming, end free speech, and forget about the right to bear arms.  The first purge would be those that possess arms after they make it a law to ban ownership.

The American people have been sufficiently dumbed down to enable this outcome.  Education in America is virtually nonexistent.  People under 40 years of age do not know geography, no longer taught, do not know history, virtually at the stage of no longer being taught, do not know math, for they rely solely on calculators and literally need a device to tell them how much change to issue on a sale, and last but not least, they do not know how to interact with others, for they squirrel away in their rooms and talk to no other living creature.

America and the world is in trouble.  When a little sh*t in North Korea can threaten the USA, the world is in serious trouble.  China must be dealt with here, they are the main antagonist!
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