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Author Topic: Hillary's Email Thread  (Read 51025 times)
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« Reply #255 on: May 12, 2016, 05:43:30 AM »

.....we want to do it promptly...",  I have one word for that statement

                             H   O   R   S   E   S   H   *   T   !

If this is what he defines as promptly, someone needs to get the man a dictionary.  Totally not prompt!
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« Reply #256 on: May 14, 2016, 01:42:10 PM »

More Clinton Emails!


State Department Documents Reveal Clinton Political Operative Pushed the Hiring of Bryan Pagliano

This week we received Department of State emails showing that, during Hillary Clinton?s tenure as
secretary of state, Laura Pena, a top aide to Clinton, helped push through the political appointment of Bryan Pagliano, a former Hillary for President IT director, to a political position in the IT group at the State Department.

Yes, that?s a bit odd.

The newly released documents also show the involvement of Patrick Kennedy, under secretary for management, in Pagliano?s hiring.

The emails show that others in the State Department International Resource Management (IT division) in which Pagliano would work questioned why a political appointee was being placed in the office.  And the emails reveal that a political appointee could not even report directly to a superior in the International Resource Management division, raising further questions among Pagliano?s supervisors.

Before becoming Clinton?s State Department White House liaison, Pena served as the Hillary for President campaign?s Director of Hispanic Outreach and Deputy Director of Women?s Outreach, leaving that position to become the Deputy Political Director of Clinton?s Friends of Hillary PAC.  In January 2009, Pena joined Clinton at the State Department where she helped secure Pagliano?s political appointment one month later.

The significance of all this: While at the State Department, Pagliano allegedly provided tech support for Hillary Clinton?s non-State.gov email system.

The new documents were obtained in response to an April 8, 2016, federal court order directing the Department of State to begin delivering materials to Judicial Watch in response to a September 3, 2015 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:15-cv-01441)).  The lawsuit was filed after State failed to comply with an August 5, 2015 FOIA request seeking the following:

    All records concerning the hiring of Bryan Pagliano;

    All time sheets, calendars, or similar records of Bryan Pagliano;

    All records of travel to/from Chappaqua, NY.  Such records include, but are not limited to, expense reports, reimbursement forms, and travel logs;

    All records of Bryan Pagliano concerning, regarding, or relating to the maintenance of former Secretary Clinton?s email server.  Such records include, but are not limited to, expense reports, reimbursement forms, and maintenance logs; and

    All records of communications between Bryan Pagliano and any official, officer, or employee of the Office of the Secretary concerning former Secretary Clinton?s email server.

The emails obtained by Judicial Watch reveal that the political appointment of Pagliano was expedited after Clinton aide Pena sent an initial email to Patrick Kennedy on February 23, 2009:

    From: Pena, Laura

    Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 11:25 AM

    To: Patrick Kennedy

    Subject: Bryan Pagliano

    Hi Pat,

    Please let me know when you are ready to give Brian his assignment at IRM, I?d like to give him a heads up and a better idea of the position.

    Many thanks,



    From: Kennedy, Patrick F.

    Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2009 11:48 AM

    To: Pena, Laura

    Subject: RE: Bryan Pagliano


    Susan Swart and Charlie Wisecarver are very interested in him and were calling him to talk.

    Will get you a read-out




    From: Kennedy, Patrick F.

    Sent: 5at Feb 28 11:48:55 2009

    To: Wisecarver, Charles D [Deputy, Bureau of Information Resource Management]

    Cc: Swart, Susan H [Director, Bureau of Information Resource Management]

    Subject: FW: Bryan Pagliano


    How did the conversation go and have you reached an agreement?




    From: Wisecarver, Charles D

    To Taglialatela, Linda S [then Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of Human Resources]

    Cc: Swart, Susan H; Fedak, Janice J

    Sent: Monday, Mar 09 06:54:07 2009

    Subject: Schedule C?


    Pat passed on resume of a young man who ran technology for the Clinton for President campaign. Janice and I met with him on Friday and see the value in bringing him on.

    CharlieAccording to a March 25, 2016,  article, despite Swart?s and Wisecarver?s compliance in moving through the Pagliano appointment, both were concerned because ?Schedule C hires usually work in agencies? executive offices, not in technical areas like an IT department.?

According to a March 25, 2016, Reuters article, despite Swart?s and Wisecarver?s compliance in moving through the Pagliano appointment, both were concerned because ?Schedule C hires usually work in agencies? executive offices, not in technical areas like an IT department.?

Reuters reported that a letter from Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) to Under Secretary of State for Management Patrick Kennedy in mid-March addressed those concerns.  And the emails obtained by Judicial Watch revealed the extent of Swart?s and Wisecarver?s misgivings about the political nature of the Pagliano appointment:

    From: Raymos, Jeanne N [former Director, Executive Resources and Performance Management]

    Sent: Wed Mar 11, 2009 2:08 PM

    To: Wiscarver, Charles D

    Subject: RE: Schedule C ? Bryan Pagliano

    Charlie, As a Schedule C, Bryan must report to a PAS [Presidential Appointee requiring Senate confirmation], and since Ms. Swart is not a PAS, the PD should identify U/S Kennedy as the supervisor.


    From: Wisecarver, Charles D

    To: Swart, Susan H

    Sent: Wed March 11 21:45:45 2009

    Subject: FW: Schedule C ? Bryan Pagliano

    Your not a PAS! What is a PAS? Is this a reference for a confirmed A/S?


    From: Swart, Susan H

    Sent: Wed March 11, 2009 9:53 PM

    To: Wisecarver, Charles D

    Subject: RE: Schedule C ? Bryan Pagliano

    I don?t know what a pas is. PFK [Patrick F. Kennedy] specifically said we didn?t need to be pol apptees but it sure sounds like we do. I am going to ask him. What a bunch a

On May 4, 2016, U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan granted Judicial Watch ?discovery? in another FOIA lawsuit (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:13-cv-01363)) in which Judicial Watch can take testimony from Pagliano and Kennedy.

These documents show that politics played a role in Clinton email witness Brian Pagliano?s hiring at the State Department.  Why place a political appointee in the IT department of the State Department?  It is no coincidence that this same controversial political hire helped Hillary Clinton with her illicit email system.

Meantime, we have learned that the State Department supposedly can?t find the main compute file containing Pagliano?s State Department?s email records.  According to Politico, the Obama State Department thinks we should be satisfied that some of his emails ended up in other employees? files.

This game is not surprising.  The State Department first gave only a few Pagliano documents, but we pushed back at the agency because the public record showed there were more documents. Sure enough, that led to this latest batch of records that were only found because we wouldn?t be fooled by the Obama gang.

We expect more records soon, and Mr. Pagliano?s testimony to Judicial Watch attorneys should happen over the next few weeks.

In the meantime, here, via Fox News, is a good summary of Clinton email developments featuring Judicial Watch.

Whitewater: Twelve Versions of Hillary Clinton Draft Indictment, 451 Pages, Withheld By National Archives

If federal prosecutors are drafting an indictment against Hillary Clinton, it wouldn?t be the first time.  New details continue to emerge from Judicial Watch?s Freedom of Information Act fight with the National Archives over the release of draft indictments of Hillary Clinton in the Whitewater case.

Our Chief Investigative Reporter, Micah Morrison, has the details in JW?s Investigative Bulletin:

    According to the Archives, release of the indictments?drafted by an independent counsel examining the Clintons? relationship to a corrupt Arkansas S&L and an alleged cover-up?would violate grand jury secrecy and Mrs. Clinton?s personal privacy. FOIA request denied.

    Judicial Watch declined to take ?no? for an answer, and so off to court we went. The case is now in the hands of a federal judge.

    In the course of litigation, new facts have come to light.  Under FOIA, the Archives must produce a ?Vaughn Index??a tantalizing and at times maddening document. A Vaughn Index is the government saying: we are not giving you the documents, but here is an ?index? of what we are not giving you, and why we are not giving it to you. Your tax dollars at work.

    In the National Archives Vaughn Index for the case, we learn that the government is sitting on at least twelve versions of the draft indictment of Mrs. Clinton, including one ?listing overt acts.? From the public record, we know that the Whitewater case centered around whether Mrs. Clinton, while First Lady, lied to federal investigators about her role in the corrupt Arkansas S&L, concealed documents (including material under federal subpoena), and took other steps to cover-up her involvement. Prosecutors ultimately decided not to indict Mrs. Clinton, concluding that they could not win the complicated, largely circumstantial case against such a high-profile figure.

    The draft indictments range from three to forty pages?the former likely excerpts or ?scraps? from longer documents, the Vaughn Index indicates. Some of the drafts doubtless are copies, but many clearly are not. A total of 451 pages of draft indictments are being withheld by the Archives.

    In its final brief in the case, Judicial Watch took a wrecking ball to the Archives? grand jury secrecy and personal privacy claims.  Judicial Watch noted ?the truly enormous quantities of grand jury material already made public? in the independent counsel?s final report.  Judicial Watch provided the court with a detailed list of grand jury and non-grand jury material that had already been made public.  If there ever was a valid claim to grand jury secrecy in this closely scrutinized case, it is long gone.

    The Judicial Watch brief noted that the Archives ?fails to identify a single, specific privacy interest Mrs. Clinton still has in the draft indictments? following publication of the independent counsel?s report and ?hundreds of pages of grand jury materials, non-grand jury materials, and independent counsel legal theories and analysis that are already in the public domain.?
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« Reply #257 on: May 25, 2016, 02:01:41 PM »

State Department audit faults Clinton on emails, says she broke records rules


The State Department watchdog, in an extensive and detailed report, accused Hillary Clinton of flouting federal records rules and cybersecurity guidelines with her exclusive use of personal email for government business while secretary of state.


The forthcoming inspector general audit, a copy of which was obtained by FoxNews.com, faults Clinton and her predecessors for poorly managing email and other computer information.

The report says the department was "slow to recognize and to manage effectively the legal requirements and cybersecurity risks associated with electronic data communications." It cites "longstanding, systemic weaknesses" related to communications that started before Clinton's tenure.

But the report singles out Clinton?s failures as more serious. The report includes numerous revelations, including that her server was at one point ?attacked,? that Clinton declined to be interviewed for the audit and that Clinton never sought approval to use her personal account for government work.
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« Reply #258 on: June 11, 2016, 01:33:02 PM »

FBI criminal investigation emails: Clinton approved CIA drone assassinations with her cellphone, report says


An explosive new report reveals just what it is that the FBI is looking to: emails in which then-Secretary of State Clinton approved CIA drone assassinations in Pakistan with her cellphone.

From 2011 on, the State Department had a secret arrangement with the CIA, giving it a degree of say over whether or not a drone killing would take place.

The U.S. drone program has killed hundreds of civilians in Pakistan and other countries.

Under Sec. Clinton, State Department officials approved almost every single proposed CIA drone assassination. They only objected to one or two attacks.

The emails that are at the heart of the FBI?s criminal investigation are 2011 and 2012 messages between U.S. diplomats in Pakistan and their State Department superiors in D.C., in which the officials approved drone strikes.

Clinton?s aides forwarded some of these emails to her personal email account, on a private server in her home in suburban New York.

These are the revelations of a report by The Wall Street Journal, based on information provided by anonymous congressional and law-enforcement officials who were briefed on the FBI?s probe.

The State Department revealed in January that 22 of the emails that were on Clinton?s private server at her home contained top-secret information. These messages were not publicly released, and an investigation was eventually launched.

The White House acknowledged in a press briefing on Thursday that the FBI probe into Clinton?s handling of classified information is a ?criminal investigation.? President Obama endorsed Clinton for president on the same day.

Hundreds of civilians in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan and more have been killed by U.S. drones.
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« Reply #259 on: June 22, 2016, 05:00:30 PM »

Emails: Key security features disabled on Clinton's server


WASHINGTON (AP) ? State Department staffers wrestled for weeks in December 2010 over a serious technical problem with then-Secretary Hillary Clinton's home email server, causing them to temporarily disable security features that left the server more vulnerable to hackers, according to emails released Wednesday.

Just weeks later, according to previously disclosed emails, hackers attacked the server, forcing Clinton's staff to shut it down. The next day, one of Clinton's closest aides, Huma Abedin, wrote to other high ranking staff: "Don't email hrc (Clinton) anything sensitive. I can explain more in person."

The emails were released under court order Wednesday to the conservative legal advocacy group Judicial Watch, which has sued the State Department over access to public records related to the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee's service as the nation's top diplomat between 2009 and 2013.

The emails, reviewed by The Associated Press, show that State Department technical staff disabled software intended to block phishing emails that could deliver dangerous viruses. They were trying urgently to resolve an apparent conflict between the server's built-in email delivery features with a version of "ScanMail for Exchange" security software from Trend Micro Inc. that had been installed on her server. Clinton has not previously described any security protections on her server.

"This should trump all other activities," a senior technical official, Ken LaVolpe, told IT employees in a Dec. 17, 2010, email. Another senior State Department official, Thomas W. Lawrence, wrote days later in an email that Abedin personally was asking for an update about the server repairs. Abedin and Clinton, who both used the private server, had complained that emails each sent to State Department employees were not being reliably received.

After technical staffers turned off some security features, Lawrence cautioned in an email, "We view this as a Band-Aid and fear it's not 100 percent fully effective."

Clinton has repeatedly denied there is any evidence her private email server ever was breached. Her campaign did not immediately provide comment Wednesday.
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« Reply #260 on: June 22, 2016, 11:19:18 PM »

Within a 24 hour period, I think it is safe to say over 100 entities tapped into that server.  Only the American people are clueless as to what was on that server.  Every would be enemy of the USA has the content of her server.
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« Reply #261 on: July 02, 2016, 01:14:09 PM »

Clinton interviewed by FBI regarding email investigation


BREAKING ?  Hillary Clinton met Saturday morning with the FBI regarding the agency?s investigation into her use of a private email server for official correspondence while secretary of state.


The voluntary meeting lasted about three-and-a-half hours and was conducted at the FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C, according to the Clinton campaign.

Clinton ?is pleased to have had the opportunity to assist the Department of Justice in bringing this review to a conclusion? campaign spokesman Nick Merrill said in a statement. He also said Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, will not make further comment about the interview.

Clinton?s use of the private server and email address -- particularly whether the setup was used for classified information and how secure they were -- has cast a shadow over her campaign from the start.

The FBI investigation is purportedly coming to a close, and the Clinton interview is considered among the final steps in the case.
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« Reply #262 on: July 02, 2016, 04:29:16 PM »

...the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, will not make further comment about the interview.

Does this mean we won't get a transcript of her repeating over and over again, "I don't remember"?
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« Reply #263 on: July 04, 2016, 01:56:23 PM »

Huma Abedin admits that Clinton burned daily schedules


Hillary Clinton?s closest aide revealed in a deposition last week that her boss destroyed at least some of her schedules as secretary of state ? a revelation that could complicate matters for the presumptive Democratic nominee, who, along with the State Department she ran, is facing numerous lawsuits seeking those public records.

Huma Abedin was deposed in connection with a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit into Clinton?s emails ? but her admission could be relevant to another lawsuit seeking Clinton?s schedules.

?If there was a schedule that was created that was her Secretary of State daily schedule, and a copy of that was then put in the burn bag, that . . . that certainly happened on . . . on more than one occasion,? Abedin told lawyers representing Judicial Watch, the conservative organization behind the emails lawsuit.

Abedin made the surprising admission in response to a question about document destruction at the Department of State. A lawyer for Judicial Watch asked: ?And during your tenure at the State Department, were you aware of your obligation not to delete
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« Reply #264 on: July 04, 2016, 01:57:02 PM »

Does this mean we won't get a transcript of her repeating over and over again, "I don't remember"?
probably.  Angry
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« Reply #265 on: July 04, 2016, 04:11:07 PM »

Huma Abedin admits that Clinton burned daily schedules

How does this woman get away with this stuff? I understand the MSM is in her pocket, but still...
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« Reply #266 on: July 05, 2016, 01:33:41 PM »

She got away with it. We knew this didn't we.
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« Reply #267 on: July 05, 2016, 03:42:58 PM »

She got away with it. We knew this didn't we.

Yes, we did. I began to worry when all the usual suspects kept telling us how Comey was a stand up guy, highest integrity, and would do the right thing. Any time a public figure gets the kind of press he got, I get concerned. I loathe and distrust the MSM.

The second thing which prompted my skepticism that this would be a fair investigation was Lynch's announcement she would accept the FBI's decision. I felt sure she already knew what its findings would be and the fix was in. Perhaps it was this Lynch reassured Billy goat would happen during their ever so coincidental meeting in Phoenix.

So here we are once again. The Clintons walk away unscathed from obvious wrongdoing and we wind up with further evidence there are three levels of criminal prosecution in this country, one for the average citizen, another for the rich and powerful, and one for the Clintons.
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« Reply #268 on: July 05, 2016, 05:11:50 PM »

Yes, we did. I began to worry when all the usual suspects kept telling us how Comey was a stand up guy, highest integrity, and would do the right thing. Any time a public figure gets the kind of press he got, I get concerned. I loathe and distrust the MSM.

The second thing which prompted my skepticism that this would be a fair investigation was Lynch's announcement she would accept the FBI's decision. I felt sure she already knew what its findings would be and the fix was in. Perhaps it was this Lynch reassured Billy goat would happen during their ever so coincidental meeting in Phoenix.

So here we are once again. The Clintons walk away unscathed from obvious wrongdoing and we wind up with further evidence there are three levels of criminal prosecution in this country, one for the average citizen, another for the rich and powerful, and one for the Clintons.

Four levels.....when teamobama federalizes all police then they will have a official criminal prosecution for whitey. Obamalaw.......that is what Lynch was doing when she met with bill. Going around the country to police depts.

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« Reply #269 on: August 05, 2016, 12:20:00 PM »

How he got to keep his throne always bugged me. It also is a pet peeve when I hear people saying how horrible we used nukes. I say Pearl Harbor was horrible. Thank You again PzLdr!
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