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Author Topic: Hillary's Email Thread  (Read 50924 times)
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« on: May 22, 2015, 03:22:53 PM »

Sticky for Hils emails.......
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« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2015, 03:25:10 PM »

Internal emails show Clinton got detailed intel on 'planned' Benghazi hit


Benghazi terror attack show then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton received detailed information indicating the strike was planned by well-trained fighters, yet her office continued to push the narrative days later that it began "spontaneously."

The messages were among 296 emails released Friday by the State Department, in the first batch of emails to be made public from Clinton's tenure as secretary of state. Totaling 896 pages, the emails show a series of Libya dispatches Clinton received from a confidant in the months leading up to the attack -- and the barrage of messages among her and her aides after Sept. 11, 2012.

Those messages depict the rapidly changing understanding of what happened at the U.S. compound that night, and the administration's internal struggle to settle on a public narrative.

As previously reported, confidant Sidney Blumenthal fired off two memos in the two days after the attack. But the full email release shows he gave a highly detailed picture of what "sources" said had happened that night. Initially, on Sept. 12, he sent Clinton an email linking the attacks to anger over an anti-Islam Internet video which had triggered protests across the region.

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« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2015, 03:25:44 PM »

Hillary?s secret Libya adviser, Sid Blumenthal, and the scandal wars of the ?90s


Sid Blumenthal was Hillary Clinton?s go-to guy as a journalist, as a White House aide and, we?ve just learned, as an informal adviser to the secretary of State on Libya.

And that took place while he happened to be working with some businessmen who were trying to land contracts in Libya?deals that would have required State Department approval.

What?s more, the information he provided was mostly lousy.

This remarkable story is contained in some of Hillary?s private emails, which have now been leaked to the New York Times. And they provide a flashback for those who endured the Clinton wars of the ?90s, when Blumenthal wound up testifying before a grand jury over his role in the Monica Lewinsky investigation.

The story is apparently based on information furnished by Trey Gowdy?s House Benghazi committee, which is prominently mentioned as planning to subpoena Blumenthal.
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« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2015, 03:26:34 PM »



The night a U.S. ambassador was killed in a terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, Hillary Clinton sent a message three senior State Department officials.

The recepients were Jake Sullivan, Deputy Chief of Staff to then-Secretary of State Clinton, Cheryl Mills, an adviser to Clinton?s 2008 presidential campaign and Counselor and Chief of Staff to the Secretary, and Victoria Jane Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs.

?Cheryl told me the Libyans confirmed his death. Should we announce tonight or wait until morning?? Clinton says in the email, time stamped 11:38 p.m. on Sept. 11, 2012.
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« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2015, 04:16:15 PM »

Hillary got now-classified Benghazi information on private email


Hillary Clinton received now-classified information about the Benghazi attacks on her private email, documents released by the State Department on Friday show.

The department made public 296 emails from Clinton?s private server related to the congressional investigation into the deadly attacks in Benghazi, Libya. The emails are only a sliver of the 55,000 pages of emails Clinton gave State, but include all those related to the attack.

One email chain from State Department officials, forwarded to Clinton from an aide, Jake Sullivan, discussed the arrest of possible suspects. A note in the margin redacts a portion as "secret," noting that the FBI classified the email on Friday. It indicates the email was classified because it referred to "foreign relations or foreign activities of the US, including confidential sources."

The AP first reported the existence of the email.

Brian Fallon, a press secretary for Clinton?s 2016 White House campaign, said on Twitter that the emails were classified only in recent days. 

The classified email is likely to add new fuel to the controversy over the 2016 contender's use of
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« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2015, 04:52:00 PM »

E-mails: Hillary knew that State Department asked YouTube to block anti-Muslim movie overseas; Update: Creepy reporter transcript added


Not that there was ever much doubt. Three days after the Benghazi attack, the White House admitted it had pressured Google and YouTube to yank ?Innocence of Muslims? as some sort of terms-of-use violation. Google refused. A week after that, having failed to twist a major corporation?s arm into censoring a politically unhelpful bit of free speech on its behalf, the State Department started running ads in Pakistan denouncing the movie, in hopes that jihadi savages would be appeased by the show of national contrition and not target any more embassies. Also around this time, YouTube did agree to censor ?Innocence of Muslims? by blocking it in Egypt and Libya, the two nations that saw the most violent attacks on U.S. diplomats on September 11, 2012. Hillary Clinton had to have known about and signed off on all this, we naturally assumed. And now here?s evidence that she did: Although the message below is vague, I assume it?s referring to the ban that Google imposed on the video in Africa.

Leaning on corporate cronies to suppress Americans? speech for political ends would be a disqualifying offense for a candidate in a sane world.

    Emails show State Dept. contacted Google, YouTube over anti-Muslim film in 2012 pic.twitter.com/xGJQ8wEYvp

    ? Matthew Keys (@MatthewKeysLive) May 22, 2015

Fun fact: On the very day that e-mail was sent, the man who made ?Innocence of Muslims? was arrested by the feds on a ?parole violation.? Hillary?s leisure reading in the weeks before that was interesting too:

    On 9/12/12, Hillary sends link on "Meet the Right-Wing Extremist Behind the Anti-Muslim Film" pic.twitter.com/cKYuaSg8ro

    ? Jamie Dupree (@jamiedupree) May 22, 2015

Then again, not all of what she was reading had to do with the Mohammed movie:

    daaaaaaamn pic.twitter.com/R2Z6SorFxJ

    ? daveweigel (@daveweigel) May 22, 2015

Exit question: Hillary was paying enough attention to Libya to know that her ambassador?s name was Chris Stevens, right? Right?

Update: Here?s a sneak preview of how the wider media?s going to relate to Hillary once First! Woman! President! fee-vah really gets going next year. If the text is too small in the tweets below, just click the images and it?ll enlarge. Quote: ?HILL, can I ride on your lap to the White
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« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2015, 11:44:55 AM »

Krauthammer: Hillary Email Dump Is 'Farce,' We Saw What She Wanted Us to See


Hundreds of Hillary Clinton?s emails were released today, something Clinton herself said she wants, but Charles Krauthammer doesn?t really buy this is some great victory for transparency and disclosure.

?There isn?t a shred of evidence,? he said, ?because she shredded the evidence. This whole release is a farce.?

He pointed out that it?s not like every little email Clinton ever sent will be released to the public, only the ones ?scrubbed and cleansed and decided upon, chosen by her own people, acting in her own interest.?

And, Krauthammer added, it?s working, because the media is eagerly looking through ?pre-scrubbed material? and months later, when Clinton?s opponents try to use the controversy against her, she?ll be able to say she called for their release and everyone already spent so much time on it.
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« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2015, 05:52:46 PM »

My general opinion of people in the media has fallen to an all time low.  How stupid are these people today?  Newspapers and networks are employing some of the dumbest people I have ever witnessed.

Education has declined so badly in America, I seriously doubt it will return.  Integrity has flown the coop!
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« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2015, 11:32:35 AM »

My general opinion of people in the media has fallen to an all time low.  How stupid are these people today?  Newspapers and networks are employing some of the dumbest people I have ever witnessed.

Education has declined so badly in America, I seriously doubt it will return.  Integrity has flown the coop!
Which makes it a perfect breeding ground for the lefts agenda.
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« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2015, 11:33:07 AM »

Clinton Email Dump: Hillary Fixer Cheryl Mills Got Colleagues 'On Board' Before Benghazi Hearings


Cheryl Mills, who was the State Department?s counselor and chief of staff during the entirety of Hillary Clinton?s tenure, said in an email on November 13, 2012, that her colleagues were ?on board? after a ?come to? (Jesus?) meeting, in reference to classified congressional hearings that would be taking place later that week.  Her correspondent was Philippe Reines, a longtime aide to Hillary Clinton who had asked how the ?hearings?were going (perhaps meaning ?briefings??) The classified hearings were on the 15th and 16th.

Of the newly released batch of Hillary Clinton emails, this one seems to be the most significant.


    Cheryl Mills getting folks ?on board.? pic.twitter.com/ARjXU1raFE

    ? John Sexton (@verumserum) May 22, 2015

Mills, who is up to her waist in the Benghazi affair,  is on the House Benghazi Select Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy?s witness list to testify before the committee or commit to a transcribed interview.

Also on the list are Huma Abedin, Sidney Blumenthal, Susan Rice and Ben Rhodes.

Some other interesting emails include one from HRC herself linking to an article alleging that the anti-Mohammed video was produced by a ?right-wing extremist.?

    On 9/12/12, Hillary sends link on ?Meet the Right-Wing Extremist Behind the Anti-Muslim Film? pic.twitter.com/cKYuaSg8ro

    ? Jamie Dupree (@jamiedupree) May 22, 2015

The article was written, incidentally, by Sid ?Vicious? Blumenthal?s slimy son ? the lefty smear merchant Max Blumenthal.

More good stuff collected by Allahpundit at Hot Air.
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« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2015, 11:34:20 AM »

Hillary's closest adviser is hiding the truth of her emails


Among her shenanigans:

    As White House deputy counsel, Mills ordered Commerce Department officials to ?withhold? from investigators emails and other documents detailing then-President Bill Clinton?s and first lady Hillary Clinton?s allegedly illegal selling of seats on foreign trade junkets for campaign cash, according to sworn statements by Commerce?s former FOIA chief. ?Ms. Mills, in her position as deputy counsel to the president, advised Commerce officials to withhold certain documents,? testified Sonya Stewart Gilliam in a July 2000 sworn affidavit taken by Judicial Watch, a government watchdog group in Washington. ?The Commerce Department?s collaboration with White House Deputy Counsel Mills on these matters was, in my experience, highly irregular and at variance with normal procedures.

    At the same time, a federal judge ruled that Mills ?failed miserably? to take proper steps to search for and recover 1.8 million Executive Office of the President and Office of the First Lady emails under subpoena in the Monica Lewinsky and Filegate scandal investigations, after computer contractors discovered them mysteriously missing from the automated White House archiving system. Mills, who was in charge of finding the lost email, conveniently made ?the most critical error? in recovering them, US District Judge Royce Lamberth concluded in a 63-page opinion, adding that he found her actions ?loathsome.? In fact, Judicial Watch accused Mills of orchestrating a ?cover-up? in what became known as ?Email-gate.? Her court testimony in the case, during which she repeatedly answered ?I don?t have a recollection,? sounds like an interview with an amnesia patient. (In the end, the emails were never recovered.)

    In another scandal, Mills ?concealed? so many subpoenaed emails and other documents detailing allegedly illegal fundraising activity between the White House and the Democratic National Committee ? specifically, Hillary?s illegal integration of White House and DNC computer databases ? that staff lawyers for the House Government Oversight Committee in 1998 sent a criminal referral to the Justice Department demanding federal prosecutors charge Mills with obstruction of justice and perjury. ?Ms. Mills knowingly and willfully obstructed the investigative authority of this committee by withholding documents,? the panel concluded in a 647-page investigative report. ?Moreover, when this obstruction was brought to light in a hearing before the committee, Ms. Mills lied under oath about the documents and the circumstances surrounding their nonproduction.?

    In October 2012, Mills sorted through key Benghazi documents and decided which ones to withhold from an independent review board. She also leaned on witnessses. Deputy ambassador to Libya Gregory Hicks testified before Congress in 2013 that Mills told him in an angry phone call to stop cooperating with investigators.

    On behalf of the Clintons, Mills negotiated the weak conflict-of-interest rules for disclosing foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation with the Obama administration. She also reportedly helped broker international payments to the group.

In short, Mills ?is in the middle of it,? Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said.

An investigator with the House Select Committee on Benghazi said if the panel calls Mills as a witness, her testimony will most likely be taken behind closed doors in a ?transcribed interview.? That would be a mistake.

Mills should be sworn in and grilled in a public hearing
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« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2015, 02:32:21 PM »

@JamesRosenFNC If this is the stuff she is releasing, how bad is the stuff she deleted?


Apparently, Hillary Clinton isn?t even ready for the 10 a.m. phone call.

Information obtained from her emails released by the State Department Friday revealed that Clinton missed President Obama?s first daily intel briefing after the 2012 terrorist attacks on Benghazi.

?I just woke up,? the former secretary of state wrote at 10:43 a.m on Sept 15, 2012.

It was a far cry from her 2008 campaign ad against then-Sen. Barack Obama asking if he would be ready for a 3 a.m. phone call.

Then again, at her advanced age she does need her rest.

The Twitterverse was brutal in its criticism of Clinton.

    .@HillaryClinton slept through the mtg where she was to get the Presidential Daily Brief. "I just woke up" she wrote at 10:43 am on 9/15/12.

    ? James Rosen (@JamesRosenFNC) May 22, 2015

    @JamesRosenFNC If this is the stuff she is releasing, how bad is the stuff she deleted?

    ? Eileen (@mylifeback) May 22, 2015

    @JamesRosenFNC @HillaryClinton CLEARLY, Hillary asleep at the switch LONG before the Benghazi horror. Awakened to conjure, "Twas the video!"

    ? GretchenInOK (@GretchenInOK) May 22, 2015

    @JamesRosenFNC @keder @HillaryClinton in 2008 she claimed shed answer the 3am phone call; now she sleeps through the 8am alarm clock

    ? CTIronman (@CTIronman) May 22, 2015

    @JamesRosenFNC for those who thought @HillaryClinton would actually answer that 3 am call?nope, not even at 10:43 am. #SnoozeResetButton

    ? C (@IStateYourName_) May 24, 2015

    @JamesRosenFNC @BrianWilsonDC @HillaryClinton She was prob up all night waiting for that 3am phone call.

    ? Major Chisholm (@creativeliberty) May 24, 2015

    Old Snorebox Granny Hillary Clinton Slept Trough Benghazi Daily Briefing http://t.co/tO9KBK5zXH #OhHillNo #PJNET pic.twitter.com/EzpIj6ZVRO

    ? Leah (@LeahR77) May 23, 2015

    @LeahR77 @Callisto1947 She should be sleeping in a jail cell.
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« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2015, 04:04:16 PM »

Judge orders Hillary Clinton email releases every 30 days


A federal judge issued an order Wednesday requiring the State Department to make public batches of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's emails every 30 days starting next month.

U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras also set particular targets for the agency to meet each month as it wades through the roughly 30,000 emails totaling about 55,000 pages. (The percentages set for each disclosure can be viewed in the judge's written order, posted here.)

The monthly disclosure essentially splits the difference between the State Department's most recent proposal of releases every 60 days and lawyers for Vice News reporter Jason Leopold, who proposed releases every two weeks.

The State Department initially proposed releasing the vast majority of the emails in a single batch by next January, but Contreras rejected that suggestion, citing the public interest in the materials.

Clinton, now a Democratic candidate for president, has said she wants the emails released by State as quickly as possible.

Vice News sought the emails and other records from Clinton's office last year under the
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« Reply #13 on: May 28, 2015, 11:09:03 AM »

Emails show Clinton?s interest in arming Libyan rebels despite prohibitions


Recently released emails detail then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's interest in arming Libyan opposition groups using private security contractors before the fall of Muammar Qaddafi in 2011 ? though at the time, the opposition was not formally recognized by the U.S. or United Nations, which prohibited arming without following strict guidelines and oversight.

The issue remains so sensitive that the emails recently released by the State Department redacted a key line on the matter. But the unredacted version of the same email, released to the congressional Benghazi Select Committee and first posted by The New York Times last Thursday, showed Clinton appearing to endorse the idea of using private contractors to her then-deputy chief of staff, Jake Sullivan.

"FYI. The idea of using private security experts to arm the opposition should be considered," Clinton wrote to Sullivan on April 8, 2011, attaching an intelligence report from Hillary?s adviser Sidney Blumenthal. The opposition was known as the Transitional National Council, or TNC.

Another email released by the State Department shows that three days earlier, on April 5, 2011, Bill Clinton said he would not rule out arming the Libyan opposition.
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« Reply #14 on: June 03, 2015, 09:52:37 AM »

HRC EMAILS: Federal officials voiced growing alarm over Clinton?s compliance with records laws, documents show


Over a five-year span, senior officials at the National Archives and Records Administrations (NARA) voiced growing alarm about Hillary Clinton?s record-keeping practices as secretary of state, according to internal documents shared with Fox News.

During Clinton?s final days in office, Paul Wester, the director of Modern Records Programs at NARA ? essentially the agency?s chief records custodian ? privately emailed five NARA colleagues to confide his fear that Clinton would take her official records with her when she left office, in violation of federal statutes.

Referring to a colleague whose full name is unknown, Wester wrote on December 11, 2012: ?Tom heard (or thought he heard) from the Clinton Library Director that there are or may be plans afoot for taking her records from State to Little Rock." That was a reference to the possibility that Clinton might seek to house her records at the Clinton Presidential Center, which was largely funded by the Clinton Foundation.

"[W]e need to discuss what we know, and how we should delicately go about learning more about?the transition plans for Secretary Clinton?s departure from
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