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Author Topic: IMPEACH OBAMA NOW!  (Read 35712 times)
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« Reply #30 on: November 19, 2013, 10:12:34 PM »

The Census Scandal is just one more nail in the IMPEACHMENT COFFIN of the T-baller President.

Of course, he will deny any involvement, but how much of this kind of behavior need be manifest before Congress begins taking up and doing their job.  This administration is far more corrupt than any other prior.

Is there anything that Obama has done that is truthful or worthwhile?

He is a disgrace to the office, and is severely hurting all of America. 
Stan In FL
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« Reply #31 on: November 21, 2013, 12:03:31 AM »

The biggest problem isn't that we have a sh*tty, (more than likely) corrupt president.  The biggest problem is that the electorate can no longer tell the difference . . . Or, worse yet, doesn't care.
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« Reply #32 on: November 23, 2013, 12:17:36 AM »

An electorate that is totally disconnected and clueless, yes, true enough.

There is a gruesome movie called The Road.  When I saw that movie, I thought, no way could this happen.  With the T-baller as president, I can begin to see this as a possibility.

Perhaps the notion that existed at the start of this country is sensible, that one must be a property owner to be elligible to vote.  Why should people that do not work, do not pay taxes have a vote in the say of how things should be.
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« Reply #33 on: January 07, 2014, 10:34:35 PM »

With the launch of 2014, there will be a recurring theme this year, and that is thousands and thousands being forced from their corporate healthcare and pushed into the exchanges.  And with that, their copays will go from approximately $300-350 to $500-1,000.  And along with that, 10 million Americans will be forced to work less than 29 hours per week, and have no corporate provided healthcare.   They will be on their own, and unable to afford healthcare.

They will go without healthcare, and they will become ill and thousands will die.  The furor over this will begin to build around the end of this year and reach notable presence in our society just in time for the 2016 elections.

Mr. Obama may very well end up resigning in disgrace before the end of his term.  Much like Nixon.  No one thought in 1972 that he would resign three years later. 

One can hope!

By the way, Gates' tea and crumpets condemnation of the Novelty President is just one more proof that he should be impeached.  He is an utter idiot!
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« Reply #34 on: January 09, 2014, 12:06:05 PM »

If Congress had any value in our society, and sadly it doesn't, their focus would be on removing this knucklehead from office.  Congress scores as low as they do because despite being the bodies elected by the people and reflective of the people in their districts and states, they are totally self serving and no longer represent the people of the USA.

If they represented the people of the USA, illegal immigration would not be an issue today.

If they represented the people of America, they would not be passing legislation that cuts veteran pensions and then scramble to undo the gross err of their ways. 

If they represented the people of the USA, there would not be an idiot like Pelosi declaring they have to pass legislation to find out what is in it.

If they represented the people of the USA, they would not opt out of a healthcare program they are shoving down the throats of all of America with its higher premiums and general degradation of life that it will most certainly bring, including death.

If ever there was a time for TERM LIMITS, now is the time.  It is a small step to eliminating the corruption that exists in Washington.
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« Reply #35 on: January 29, 2014, 09:16:09 PM »

So, no surprise that the Democratic leadership is not happy with the speech of Obama last night.

Believe me, as the pain and suffering of Obamacare unravels, more and more people will awaken to just what they lost with supporting this carpetbagger from Chicago.

I remain certain that before January 2017 rolls around and Obama's last days in office, he will be under enormous pressure to resign by the Democratic Party.  His existence will mirror that of Nixon in terms of total disgrace.  Just watch and see.

And the good news is that there is no way Hillary Clinton distances herself from Obama.  So, her ship will not get underway in 2016, because America will be just as tired of the Clinton/Obama combo as they were of Bush/Cheney.

I say Congress should stand up and impeach this fool before he has any further opportunity to destroy our country further.
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« Reply #36 on: January 30, 2014, 03:19:10 PM »

I hope you are correct!
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« Reply #37 on: February 02, 2014, 08:17:47 AM »

I did not hear the state of the union from the Novelty President in its entirety or the Republican response, but what I did hear was totally non impressive on both parts.  Talk about the Rip van Winkle era of the Republican Party continuing, the GOP response was a complete snooze.    Ah...yawn!

By this time next year, many of those that have died at the hands of Obamacare will be clearly evident in America.  There will be millions losing their healthcare and NOT able to afford to buy coverage under the Obamacare Program and Policy.  People are going to die, and this travesty will manifest itself like an avalanche, that starts small and by the time it gets to the bottom of the hill, it kills everything in its path.
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« Reply #38 on: February 12, 2014, 11:30:31 PM »

By the end of 2014, the Novelty President, Putin want-a-be(aka dictator), will completely rewrite the Affordable Care legislation, and Congress stands silent.  Pathetic.

Why would I expect this numb Congress to stand up to this fool, when they remain quietly complicit.

And Mr Cry Baby sings Yippy do da, yippy ................  Where is the leadership?  Where?

Our country is being run into the ground by self serving morons, and I don't remotely understand this.  Perhaps when we are all in tent cities, someone might get the bright idea something is wrong.
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« Reply #39 on: April 06, 2014, 01:21:16 PM »

Well, what will it take for Congress to awaken from their slumber?

Putin once again makes our Novelty President appear like a chump, and America continues its deterioration economically.

There are a dozen sound reasons to impeach this fool, and yet Congress is quiet as a church mouse.


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« Reply #40 on: April 07, 2014, 10:45:11 AM »

Well, what will it take for Congress to awaken from their slumber?

Putin once again makes our Novelty President appear like a chump, and America continues its deterioration economically.

There are a dozen sound reasons to impeach this fool, and yet Congress is quiet as a church mouse.


None of them have a spine to do so.
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« Reply #41 on: April 08, 2014, 05:19:06 AM »

Americans are watching the destruction of our country by corrupt and incompetent men, and they do nothing.  Obama is both.  Had he managed to get his Cap and Trade legislation passed, he and people like Al Gore would have bilked America out of hundreds of billions of dollars.  They would have made Bernie Madoff look like small change, and they would have done it all legally.

If the Republicans are to have any credibility, they need to start down the path of impeachment, otherwise, the only answer I see long term is revolution.
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« Reply #42 on: April 27, 2014, 11:05:37 AM »

So, it's not bad enough that the Novelty President is destroying America internally, but this gay blade has opened Pandoras Box for Putin to seize whatever he wants and for China to do the same.  As I have indicated elsewhere, we are on the wrong side of the debate concerning the islands in Japan. 

China from my perspective has every right to rain hellfire down upon Japan until the last man standing is dead.  The murderous Japanese killed 40 million Chinese, and the Chinese have rightfully not forgotten.  They now see a weak president in office, and they merely go after a bunch of hardly used islands.  And the USA is going to defend the murderous Japs against the Chinese?  I hope not!

With the WEAK president in office, this is the time to strike.  While we are still pre-occupied with protecting the murderous muslims, now we will let Americans die for the murderous Japs.  Makes perfect sense.

Too bad no one gives a crap about the American people in Congress, for they would NEVER support these idiotic policies.

Let the Chinese have these stupid islands.  That is the least the USA can do to help an ALLIES of WWII.  Japan was the enemy to remind a few of the mindless.
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« Reply #43 on: April 27, 2014, 11:07:07 AM »

The only way this calamity ends is to impeach this fool.  And guess what, the Republicans better come alive on this, as well as the Democrats, or maybe, just maybe, we will have our own Egyptian Spring!
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« Reply #44 on: August 14, 2014, 09:26:29 AM »

Yes, it has been nearly four months since I have raised this issue, but hello Congress, where are you?  The Novelty President is about to make legal millions of people that violated our laws and entered the USA illegally, and you are doing what exactly?

Maybe November will not be the overwhelming victory for the GOP because they are totally ineffective at present.  The GOP has no definitive leadership, and no ideas of how to approach the worst problems we have.  We are completely reinventing the wheel with Obamauncare and spending $100s of billions just to change the systems that operate Medicaid.  Talk about derelict in their responsibility, US Congress is worse than the Duma in Russia.  Yes the Duma is a rubber stamp to the dictator Putin, but the US Congress isn't even a rubber stamp.  It is as if they do not exist at all.

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